The TSLA Market / Economy

Yeah looks like I bought and sold all mine around $8.50.

gme announces stock split and it goes up, they’re just trolling everyone at this point

they didn’t say how many shares the split would be, so I’m rooting for 2x but they keep the rest and dump them immediately so I can laugh

2.02 USD -53.44 (-96.36%)
past 5 years

lololol I never got into that one sheesh

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Yeah, I was fully invested for a long time until last summer where I’ve been a tad over 20% removed - which has cost me a little bit. It’s probably going to stay that way for a while unless we drop below those mini crash levels or trade sideways for a lengthy time. I’ve just come to terms that I just can’t be all-in with how negative I’ve been for nine months and will have to accept the reduced gains versus a max loss in the near future.

imo it’s really hard to be in now overall with the current inflation numbers

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It’s hard to blame people for not wanting every green space in their community filled with endless soulless identical row houses. Is the solution to housing more urban sprawl?

I am open minded, but I think most of these cities just can’t be saved due to their horrible designs and automobile dependence.

I honestly think it might be better to just design a mega city somewhere from scratch.

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One problem that Toronto is running into with this (apart from standard NIMBYISM) is that the existing infrastructure can’t handle more homes. If we level a bunch of single family homes and replace them with high rises, the streets and transit can’t handle the extra traffic.

Any TA folks have thoughts on what a chart like this means?

I mean, the only way forward here is mass transit and walkable neighborhoods, and that goes for everywhere.

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USA = urban sprawl culture-less concrete hell scapes of endless strip malls that all have the same franchise stores.

In Tokyo the building is nonstop. The city is in a constant state of transformation and renewal.
You really have to see it first hand to appreciate the magnitude of it.

I was going to ask “isnt every city like that?”

But then realised I’ve lived in London, Melbourne and Manila over the last 20 years and they may not be typical either.

I can’t think of a single American city that is like that. At least not nearly on the same scale.

New York has built a ton of luxury condo buildings that sit empty as money laundering vehicles

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Doesnt have Tokyo. But puts all US cities well behind the leaders. Based on tower crane count.

You just described the entirety of Miami.

New York is no Seattle (according to the link), but we do have a few buildings under construction

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