The TSLA Market / Economy

I just googled that guy and barely avoided vomiting all over my bed.

recession cancelled

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yep, TSLA back to $900 today

up 6% this wk. global averages only down ~7%ish YTD

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Wow. ATHs here we come. Thanks algos!

Well inflation means stonk prices go up even if their value stays stagnant.


Seen during weekly account check-in:

Thanks Vanguard!


Well, that makes me a little less grumpy about their dividend shenanigans.

anyone ever use something like ally’s robo-investor thingy?

I’m currently using my old blackjack stop-loss system on my oil stonks. Whenever I’d get up $100ish I’d give it to a friend. So I could never lose more than $100.

I keep raising the stop-loss on my oil stonks to about 5% of the current high. Once that gets triggered I’m out for good.

I didn’t realize their Target Date funds had such high expense ratios. VTI is at .03 % and VTSAX at .04%

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Robo advisors are best for people that know absolutely nothing about investing and never want to learn. So, they will give you a better outcome than like trying to trade individual stocks but they will probably give you a worse outcome than just employing a simple low cost ETF strategy.

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I think in theory the value-add for a target date fund is automated glide path adjustment as the years roll on, which allows for true “set it and forget it” strategy. Also maybe automatic tax-loss harvesting(?)

On the one hand, they’re happy to tell you exactly what’s in the portfolio (and at what percentages) so you could pretty easily replicate it yourself at lower cost.

On the other hand, some of the component funds are pretty elite: VSMPX has an ER of 0.02 but requires a minimum investment of $100,000,000

But as Surf said, pretty clear they’ve been feeling some competitive pressure on pricing.

Just bought a lot of VTI and VXUS. Cue the correction.



Just git gud at wealth building you idiot poors

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Let them eat lentils!


Bloomberg’s inflation advice: let your pets die!

If you’re one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs. It may sound harsh, but researchers actually don’t recommend pet chemotherapy — which can cost up to $10,000 — for ethical reasons.


“Eat lentils” is actually great advice for a bunch of reasons.