The TSLA Market / Economy

how much does membership cost? does any usa member get access?

That’s a good question. However, it seems like it would be completely out of character for Costco to not honor an American membership card at a Japanese store and vice versa. It probably comes up so infrequently that it’s not worth them getting worked up about it.

So, I would bet on yes, but I’m also interested in knowing for sure.

I can buy sushi at my local supermarket in NH.

US membership does carry over to Japan.

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Lol Tesla


TSLA down 1% but QCLN up 3%. Maybe it’s not as tied to TSLA as I feared.

Mother of God

Shout out Ray Dalio .3% return lolol GJGE

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More like pure negative alpha amirite?

What my hedge fund bro friends tell me is that you shouldn’t judge the hedge fund during the bull markets. Where they really prove their worth is during the bear markets. When all the indexers are hemorrhaging the hedge funds are either maintaining or making some gains.

It seems plausible, but I don’t know enough to know for sure. I know that long term they’re losers, but I guess if they truly reduce variance to that extent, that’s not nothing.

It’s just not true. Hedge funds underperform in every market. There are a few that don’t, but they (duh) don’t accept outside money.

Even for the ones that do, who’s to say they’re not just lucky? Take 50 funds, one of them is bound to outperform in several market cycles.

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Renaissance definitely beats the market. Their returns are so outrageously, consistently good it is close to impossible to be luck. That’s…literally the only large fund that’s true for. It’s also a bit of a tell that they stopped accepting outside money like 20 years ago.

Can you explain the strategy column?

What do Equity, Quant, Event driven, and Macro mean?

Thanks. It seems a little hard to believe than any fund can have it’s strategy neatly fall into one of those boxes. I’d have assumed all of them to be multistrategy.

thought it was all the same strategy

take money from stupid rich people


So … that means insider trading and fraud.

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Most of the market does fall broadly into those categories or some mix. I’m on the investment committees for my company’s pension plans in Canada and the US so I hear all the pitches. There are some multi asset strategy hedge funds that I have seen but they don’t stray too far from the equity space, they’ve got equity mixed with commodities derivatives. Obviously I don’t see every product out there but the way that they describe their strategies to me it sounds like they need liquid assets and assets that you can short. You can’t really run a long/short hedge fund with real estate because it’s too difficult to go long in NY real estate and short Singapore real estate, for example, which is the kind of play that hedge fund managers look for. But it’s super easy and cheap to go long UK stocks and short Canada stocks for example.

I’ve lived here 10 years total and have never seen vending machine sushi.