The TSLA Market / Economy

Yeah, this. The 3.5"s weren’t floppy like the 5.25"s but if you called them “hard disks” that would be confused with the hard drive so they were still called floppies. I remember playing Zork and Sid Meier games on the 5.25 floppies, good times.


I always just called them 3 1/2" discs or just discs (when 5 1/4" became obsolete) That might have just been me though. I’m generally quite literal about such things.

i’ve loaded games via cassette tape at a friend’s house, to what must have been some sort of commodore clone. i’ve installed wordperfect from like a dozen 5” floppies, then repeated the process with 3.5” ones. i probably still have compuserve cd’s somewhere in a box.

it’s so wild how far we’ve come

in europe they were sometimes called diskettes.

At one point I had Civilization (1) on floppy disk. Civ 2 being on CD was a big deal.


In the UK this is the sign for a speed camera

Has anyone under 100 even seen one of these in their lifetime? I guess people just think it’s an abstract symbol like a triangle for give way.

So markets looking like getting back to a daily ATH-FEST? Buy the dip as always forever.

This makes a fun mad lib


It’s the symbol in Forza Horizon, never thought about how it looks like an old-timey camera lol

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My first thought was that it was like a go pro mounted from the side, like rotate this 90 degrees CCW:

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They were actually only 8". Old Uncle Bob, always exaggerating.

My first real job involved some equipment that used 8" floppies, and a few customers still had paper tape readers.

stonks only go up

Had the Apple IIc with the color(!) monitor. We got a magazine that had a game in BASIC you could type a few thousand lines of code in and get a shitty ass game lol.

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I don’t understand how the grocery store is packed so full if inflation is supposedly 50% in Argentina. Also, these prices are pretty crazy if you are buying stuff with the black market rate. Many of these items (50 pesos) would cost ~25 cents usd.

But I have seen in Venezuela it is the opposite. There, stuff is super expensive, even if you are using USD

Branding in other countries is intrinsically funny


Rents still below 2019, though. Last November landlords were dropping prices like crazy and offering 3, 4, 5 months free. A big YoY increase is not surprising.

Your reality based commentary is BORING. I want to hear about BIDEN’S RENT CRISIS OMG OMG OMG!!!

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I’m sure renters will be very understanding of a 22% increase because 2019.