The TSLA Market / Economy

You can. Unfortunately my wife and I have somewhat different opinions on what squeezing by entails. This is problem.

Everything was going great in retirement from 2012 – 2017. My wife joined me in retirement in 2015 when she negotiated a severance as well. We travelled the world for 10 weeks a year. Then we decided to start a family.


Oh yeah third key is to die alone with no kids.


I like the Boglehead mentality of maximally worrying about the future and saving everything.

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One last thing. Retiring with $10 million is still under the estate tax exemption limit of $11.7 million per person. Therefore, you can feel comfort knowing your heirs don’t have to pay an onerous 40% death tax on capital you already paid taxes on. Further, you have plenty to donate more freely to charities you really care about.

It’s funny how anyone with actual money or the potential to make actual money already knows this. But the fucking exurban bourgeoisie rubes are all up in arms thinking the gubmint is going to tax their $250k that they leave to their 3 kids.

It’s like marginal tax rates - they are literally incapable of learning or remembering that the tax starts at more than they will ever have a chance of saving.

Coming from poor people rural area land–DG is barely more than walmart (I haven’t been to walmart in awhile since the price increases) and is cheaper than everywhere else in town who sell the same products.

The store sucks though but if you had to make a trip to walmart before for various items it’s better to just go to DG and save the gas.

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Edit: actually cannot redeem it for a year so shouldn’t be all of your emergency fund.

Mebbe because there is no way for the financial sector to get a cut since you are buying directly from the government off a gov’t website.

Only real catch is the max is $10K. Also, I don’t know all the details but the 7% is some anomaly based on how the rate is calculated and will be cut to half of that soon. Or something like that.

Also to add a bank account different from your original one you have to print out hard forms and get them endorsed by a witness at a bank and mail them in. LOL government.

No way there’s a 7% risk free investment right now. Paging @Riverman

I just buy exposure to bonds through Vanguard’s BND ETF, is that dumb? I do it bcoz I’m too lazy to buy bonds directly.

Every time something gets posted from there I’m horrified by those people

10K for 6 months at 7%

So, you’re telling me this whole project is worth a cool $350?

Seems closer to bonus whoring than investing.

It’s not going to stay 7% for very long. If this opportunity was available annually and was cumulative, that’s a whole different ball of wax.

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Don’t get me wrong. I’m still doing it. I like free monies as much as the next bro.

This is why I didn’t do this before, it’s too stupid

I don’t get the advantage of doing this vs buying a bond ETF, plus you can buy ETFs in sub-10k quantities.

Sounds like you’re gonna have to work for that $350.

The I bond has a higher rate right now.

Also 10K is the max, not the min.

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Who knows? The one thing I feel confident about is the fact that ordering online from Dollar General and having some DoorDash person deliver it is extremely unlikely to be:

  • profitable for Dollar General
  • sufficiently lucrative for the dasher
  • a good deal for the customer

So I guess it all depends on how the money is allocated. Yet again, I have said to myself “OMG whoever is pricing that stock is absolutely insane”, yet am Pikachu shocked when I short it and it goes even higher. Love to set money on fire.

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