The TSLA Market / Economy

I’ve worked for a couple publicly traded mega-corps as well as a mid-size privately held company, and never experienced any link between the “wellness” benefits/resources available, and my personal reviews. Not to be all “You asking me if I’m vaxxed is a violation of my HIPAA rights!!”, but this feels like it would be some sort of violation of medical privacy laws, no?

Yes you’re probably right. Companies try to limit the reporting to aggregate stuff like a team engagement score to make it less creepy. But the individualization seems like a near future dystopia with non zero probability. After all, if you are a Good employee what do you have to hide?

At both public mega-corps, they would put “free” money into your HSA if you completed certain activities (take a health survey, watch a video about stress management, take a quiz about cholesterol, etc.), which were administered through third-party providers/apps (e.g., Virgin Pulse). I wonder if the employer had a way to individually identify who was completing “healthy” activities and who was not. I would guess not, but maybe I’m being naïve.

“Wellness” programs are a joke for many reasons, but an under-covered one is their use to cover for abusive bosses. Note that Google cut off the counseling benefit when this person sued the manager:

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Options today, frontrunning I guess?

Also, it’s up 40% in the first 5 minutes

And halted

I thought they only halted stocks on the way down!

Nooope. … I’ll put $1 on RH being higher price in 6 months than today. But seriously, just the dollar. Betting against it in this environment where everyone wants to get rich in this market seems like a huge gamble. I mean, you might be right but that seems like betting against the house.

Putting it on my calendar to check in 6 mos. Looks like $60ish a share now,

I keep my eye on several stocks that seem to bounce between predictable highs and lows … notice TGOD (on which I got completely torched a while back) is now at its low point (25 cents or lower). So it will now head back to 34 cents…IDEX just bounced off its $2.30 support… If I was gambling …

I can definitely see how having crypto integrated with stock buying could be even more casino-like …

Crypto crew seems pretty worked up about this, don’t see what the problem is guys! Unless of course there is concern the main utility of cryptocurrency is breaking the law in the first place!

Meanwhile crypto doesn’t seem that shaken up by it:

Matt Levine is the best:

Look, if you run a meme-stock company, you have to announce earnings four times a year, and then you will probably want to do an earnings call. If you do a normal earnings call with normal sell-side stock analysts, they will ask you questions like “when will you stop losing money” and it will be boring and kind of a bummer and they will not leave the call in love with you. In particular, your answer to the question “when will you stop losing money” will not be so good that the analysts will recommend your stock: AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. loses money and its stock is up 1,480% this year; purely on valuation, no analyst is going to give that a Buy recommendation.[1]

On the other hand, if you run a meme-stock company and you do an earnings call where you take questions from your enthusiastic individual shareholders, (1) the questions will be insane, (2) your answers will be insane, (3) the shareholders will love it and (4) the stock will go up.


As much as you hate crypto, Sinema being being behind this amendment should clue you in to this actually being bad.

Sinema is very clearly lining up behind establishment economic interests. She doesn’t really stand against crypto, she just stands for big traditional banks that don’t like their monopolies challenged.

Just put me on whatever side Elizabeth Warren is on.


Lol Tesla, lol Musk, this company remains a complete scam.

Really hard to convey how ridiculous this is without seeing it:



Someone actually choreographed that. And they were paid to do it.

Completely standard view-from-nowhere headline writing. Just uncritically parrot whatever the serial conman says he’s going to do as a man in spandex pretends to be a robot.

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