The TSLA Market / Economy

Yeah, I’ve got neither of those. Nothing prodigious about this. My short will cover if SPY hits 425.23 -around 3% so if the Dow Jones opens up 1000 points tomorrow I’m probably already cooked and out of the trade. Shorting is dumb.

COIN opened at $380

I took my $1000 haircut and bailed on CATV. Maybe I can trigger a big run for you HODLers. Good luck.

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How’s the overall portfolio doing since MEME Wars began?

Since Gamestop? Up 20-25% - at least half of that on my AMC 8x-er.

Yup. Nice.

I’m coming to grips with these pure scam meme investments never crashing. Serenity now

You want them to crash? It’s entertaining to me and I find myself rooting for them.

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I’m with Keeed. Riverman sounds like a guy betting Don’t Pass at this casino.


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Its goodwill ldo.

Don’t forget to make your estimated tax payments today, y’all

I have a strong suspicion that K-1 related fraud is rampant.

You get a K-1 with some summary number. Nobody has any fucking idea if it’s right, often there are all kinds of mega complicated calculations to arrive at that final number. It’s a complete free roll. If audited, you pay. If not, weeeeeeee free money.

This reminds me of my mom’s situation, since she gets a K-1 from some random limited partnership investment that I’m completely unfamiliar with. Maybe something my dad bought? Or her dad bought and she inherited? Regardless, I have no idea what is, where the numbers come from, or how she can sell it.

More generally, I struggle with talking to her about her retirement savings. She is completely hands off, basically just holding on to all of the assets that existed when my dad passed away. (He was the one who dealt with financial stuff.) And those investments are not at all what I would choose! It’s a weird collection of mutual funds and index funds and individual stocks. Those individual stocks are incredibly tilted towards energy stocks, which adds to my discomfort.

But at the same time, it’s her money to do with as she wants. And it’s possible that there may be an emotional connection to the stocks that she owns - they’re what my dad purchased, and I don’t want to erase that. So I’ve kept my mouth shut and just periodically checked in with her to see if she’s comfortable with her finances. She always says yes.

No real point to this. Other than to say that sometimes dealing with money means dealing with personalities more than textbook finance stuff.


This is standard for people in retirement now who accumulated assets in the 80s and 90s. Those high cost actively managed mutual funds might have actually been the best available investment at the time.

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Haven’t you heard that this time it’s different?

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you won’t be laughing when dogecoins are the global currency

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