The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

and that republican was Joe Manchin


2nd poorest state in the US. Really representing his constituents there.


Swinging those georgia seats super important tho guys. The edems really really want to help people but the nasty gop keep stopping them…

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It was though. Biden wasn’t going to get a single appointment for anything confirmed otherwise.


He’s going to get bought off. Nothing is going to get done for the next two years without paying off Manchin.

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Can someone explain to me like I’m 5 years old, why Garland would take the AG job?

Everyone assures me that being a Federal Judge is like the choicest of gigs.

AG seems like a step down. I guess if he figures he is going to retire soon anyway, maybe he figures it’s an interesting way to go out. And he ensures a good replacement for his seat.

I don’t see Garland really going scorched Earth on the facists, so I it’s not a great pick, imo.

My ideal pick is still someone who was not even in the conversation: Walter Schaub. He won’t let anyone get away with shit.

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yep, super vital to get neera tanden and all the goldman sachs and raytheon people confirmed.

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Judges though - and not just SCOTUS.

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He’s 68, so this could be his last hurrah in government service.

Lol Dems kill yourselves fucking fascist enablers

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Yeah, but most are more than happy to let the last hurrah be Federal Judge.

AG is substantially more power than being a DC Circuit judge but for a short period of time. Not a slam dunk to take the job but also not surprising given he is 68 and has had the same job for 23 years now w/ no prospect of moving up to the Supreme Court.

I wonder if he gets a different pension from his judge pension as a cabinet secretary? He’s never really gotten paid his whole career, worked for a couple of years in a firm, everything else has been as a judge or a prosecutor. And regardless of if he gets to double dip on a pension, once he leaves office as a a former federal appeals court judge and AG, time to get paid, son. What would he make, like three million bucks a year?

Once again, 95% of appeals court judges have no prospect of moving up to the supreme court. How many of them would take the AG gig if offered? If these judgeships are the awesome jobs everyone has made them out to be, then it seems like it would be a very low percentage.

I think he can get approximately equally well paid after being on the DC circuit alone. The AG gig just gives him four (?) fewer years of getting paid. Also this payday will dwarf any pension considerations after a few years of AG.

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Being a judge is awesome because it is a good amount of power that is super easy (clerks do all the work) w/ infinite job security. It’s the mildly ambitious (by DC standards) slacker’s dream job but if you really like power or stuff like leaving a legacy, and just have a short time left anyway, then it’s reasonable to prefer AG.

Jeff Sessions made a similar decision to abandon a virtual guarantee of being Senator for life for AG.

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probably true. Any lawbros have any idea how much Merrick might bump up his earning potential with a couple of years of AG under his belt?

Senator is not nearly the same level of cushy gig as what Garland has got. At least that isn’t the job description I’ve been hearing.

That was a surprising decision also, though. Not as surprising as this, but still surprising.

Don’t know what else to tell you, giving the logical reasons. The AG is the the top law enforcement officer in the US, under normal administrations not even the President is to question his decisions. Some people are drawn to that for predictable reasons.

What do you think the reason is?

I mean, being AG immediately after the Trump Administration is a truly historic opportunity and incredibly important job. It is a no brainer.