The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

OK, so does one step down from a SCOTUS job for this? Someone like Breyer who is gonna retire soon anyway.

If not, our job power rankings are

DC Circuit

Is that correct?

I thought DC circuit was as close to SCOTUS as you could get, but the window between the two is bigger than I realized if we can fit AG in there.

Well, AG is MUCH higher profile than DC Circuit.

DC circuit has 16 judges and there are 12 other circuits of equal authority. The DC circuit is considered one of the most “prestigious” circuits and does see more high profile cases because of its location but in terms of raw power at a point in time an individual slot on the court is arguably less than that of a Senator.

Massive gap in power between that and one of 9 on the Supreme Court, it’s not just as simple as one rung up.

I’m not claming that I’m correct or anything. It’s mostly my experienced-based feels.

I’ve met many a lawbro. I’ve encountered those who aspire to SCOTUS or DC circuit. I’ve never met a lawbro who aspired to be AG, like that was their dream job.

It’s a completely unattainable pipe dream for most and also usually requires a lot of political dirty work to attain that many people wouldn’t want to be involved in even if they theoretically wanted the position. For Garland, the only politics he had to do to get the position was be denied a SC seat.

So is SCOTUS justice.

I suppose that would explain it.

He’s got to make sure all those temporarily embarrassed millionaires don’t end up paying huge tax bills down the line.


gonna get rekt by consolidating :frowning:



If the B stands for what I think it does, I like it!

They’re saying Boooo-urns!



100% in agreement.


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Nailed it!

Some background on Mr. Burns, and some commentary on previous CIA directors: An Open Letter to Biden: Selecting a CIA Director -


Pompeo is designating the Houthi (presumably Ansar Allah), who have been in de facto control of most of North West Yemen for years now, as a terrorist organisation. These are some tweets describing the call with congress people this morning.

This has been mooted for months now and always talked about as if it would be a disaster. The reason I’ve put it here is because in all the articles I’ve read about it it seems as if the unspoken assumption is that Biden couldn’t or wouldn’t reverse it easily. E.g. the long take from the BBC today below, it’s largely quotes saying how bad it will now be from various angles and the mention of Biden’s policy is just pure speculation that it would be ‘leverage’ for him.

Anyone any light to shed? Is a terrorist designation more difficult to lift for some reason? I thought ending US support for the Yemen war had a decent amount of support outside of Trump loyalists?

They did it for Cuba as well according to news alerts. My understanding is there is a time element before they can be removed from the list, but that is based on vague memories…