The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

So what is the projection of Trump speaking fees in the next 4 years?

o/u $10 million.

Grifting donations off of rallies doesn’t count. That’s different.

I guess I’d take the over, but it’s hard to wrap my head around it. They still have to sit there and at least pretend to listen to him speak.

Make the judgment . Yellen taking 7.2million is good or bad?

Pete holding wine cave fundraisers with billionaires is good or bad?

the picture is that it gets investigated and cleared or blocked. what do you think yellen’s impropriety involves? without more evidence, it’s just a scandalous headline. is there anything more than getting paid to speak before she was a nominee?

JFC, I don’t think Goldman Sachs is under investigation and paid Yellen $1 million or whatever to sweep it under the rug when she gets in power.

What she did do is get close and personal with them, talked about their families, exchanged phone numbers, etc.

So if GS does ever have any problems with Yellen’s office in the future, she will be inclined to take their phone call, give them the benefit of the doubt, tell her people to take a meeting with their lobbyists if they have a problem with a proposed regulation, etc.

You know, stuff that helps entrench their power and that 99.999% of people can’t do.

Lol people thinking this isn’t corrupt. Come the fuck on. This shit is just another reason why I will never vote for a demE candidate in any election ever again.


Obama, since being POTUS, has talked about this stuff.

can someone nuke this thread


It’s the American dream! Everyone who is anyone uses their positions in the public service to make ungodly amounts of money shitting on their own service immediately after retirement. AND IT’S WIDELY ACCEPTED AS LONG AS THEY DECLARE INCOME (AND PAY HILARIOUSLY SMALL AMOUNTS OF TAX ON IT).

You can.



And lol she could just sit on those millions for the rest of her life and never have to hear about it once, but she has to pop back into public service because reasons


Yeah gotta keep it fresh for more money in the future. Can’t fall out of the limelight.

this exact thing is contingent on the IG office looking the other way as well as a few other departments. Treasury investigations cannot hide be hidden by a phone call. quite frankly it requires a much larger loyalist presence everywhere like trmp has been trying to install.


Not bad.

Apples and oranges. Now, you’re going to excoriate me because you do not appreciate facts and nuance. I don’t care. One is not capped. One is. One is from corporations, one is from individuals. $7.2m can buy real influence. $2800 cannot.

To be clear, if it comes out that Pete took $1m for speaking to, I dunno, American Airlines or some giant trucking company or something transportation-related, I will consider that bad, as well.

You are just being dense now. Yellen doesn’t make an investigation go away, she does something like give her view that what they did was an accident rather than intentionally malfeasance and her opinion is persuasive, but not binding, to her subordinates handling the case. End result is GS paying a $1 billion dollar fine instead of $10 billion or whatever.

The political fundraising system of course should be illegal in its current form. Hilariously undemocratic conartistry.


that would be the end of any treasury secretary, even mnuchin. tbf, mnuchin’s face should have been the end of him, but still.

similarly, in any other administration barr’s summary of mueller report would be disqualifying.

And here we are, with financial institutions emerging from Obama’s administration larger and more powerful than ever after causing a global financial meltdown.

System is working as intended.


Well, I suppose it’s a good thing that the 2800 individual limit is the only way to support a campaign or buy influence and there’s no mechanism in this country for unlimited dark money contributions

was there any closure here? i can’t remember


I’m not even sure what’s going on in this thread.

A) Yes, sexism exists, in politics and elsewhere.
B) Yes, it is bad that Yellen has received 6 figures for a single speaking engagement with major banks and hedge funds and is now the pick to be Secretary of the Treasury.

Does anyone disagree with either or both of these?


To bad out great oversight people did not catch them.