The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Is Kasparov running for office? Is he going to be a public servant? No? Well there’s your difference. If you’re going to serve the people rather than yourself you should give up your right to enrich yourself. Yes, if she had given the speeches for free, it would have been better. Yes, it would be way different if she spoke for free or for a pittance.

How in the world do you know she’s not “corrupt” in the manner that these other individuals are? There’s no way to know. See microbets posts about the revolving door.

Engaging further with the guy who named himself VoteForSocialists but thought that Evo winning was no good? Couldn’t be me

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Just woke up so grunching a bit.


I’m saying the framing of this headline is unnecessarily inflammatory. How about “yellen earned $xxx speaking to Wall Street” then let progressives or whoever form their own opinions/outrage.

Too much punditry, not enough reporting.

lol you ignored the two serious posts about NBA players and Kasparov and went for the sarcastic one

well I have NOW

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i default to thinking that corruption would be caught by inspector-generals at every level in government. should i be concerned they are not doing their job?

like if you are not trmp, you are likely vetting and nominating people who haven’t gotten caught cheating on taxes or getting payoffs.

funny you should say that, i do think kasparov is aiming to get appointed someplace on foreign policy

i mean you’re either a troll or the most gullible person i’ve ever spoken to. i don’t think anyone on this board would ever say that “corruption would be caught by inspector-generals at every level in government”

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so you don’t really care

have you ever passed an fbi background check? would you believe that your life gets examined pretty closely if you are hired to do just about anything with access to the us government? like bank accounts, large deposits, house and car purchases, credit card debt?

you’re right no one has ever made it into the highest levels of US government with a conflict of interest

ergo janet yellen is corrupt?

you know you can FOIA her declared income and assets forms, right?

oh , would i find that she earned 7.2 million dollars speaking to wall street or something? fuck off


I am tired of you reading things into my posts that are not there.

You pick things like this out and put words in my mouth because you WANT it to be true, not because it’s actually there.

Just admit that you jumped to a wrong conclusion about my initial post. It’s not hard.

To be 100% clear, I would be angry about the headline if it said something incendiary about making moderates angry, too. Hence my “progressives or whoever”.

Neither of my posts have been judgments (good or bad) about Wall Street speaking gigs and conflicts of interest.

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you could probably find out where she put that money, and whether and how her actions at the fed benefitted her own investments or those who paid her off. is the implication that she increased GS profits at the Fed by tens of billions, so they are paying her back one speech at a time? surely her actions were worth more, where is it?

regardless, that’s several orders of magnitude off from even bush/cheney era, not to mention to be in league with trmp/mcconnell

i’m saying these things are scrutinized for decades, and if oversight/IGs is so weak that it goes unreported, then my anecdotal experience is different from yours. e.g. i briefly worked as a contractor for the government, and have a friend at a career civil service position at usda. i cannot go into small business with him in farming, even after he leaves the usda, because it would raise all sorts of alarms and investigations alone would scare us away from proceeding.

It’s a gimmick account


You cannot go into farming with your buddy because even the appearance of impropriety is unacceptable, yet Yellen can take $7.2 million in speaking fees from the people that she will be in charge of regulating. That’s not punditry, opinion, etc., that’s a cold hard fact.

Are you starting to get the picture?



How the fuck is this like a 100+ page debate? Yes, fucking obviously, the incoming treasury secretary taking millions in speaking fee’s from wall street is horrible. End of discussion.

Yes most of Bidens admin is shit and probably does stuff like this, but it’s ok to be extra upset about you know, the treasury fucking secretary taking money from the people she’s supposed to keep in check.


The so called “elite” play by a different set of rules than the rest of us