The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

for a minute I thought this said “McKinsey students”




I love how the two white kids are like in lockstep with pete, with another one just behind ready to jump in if there’s room. Asian girl and black girl both look extremely skeptical.

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Yeah. This is some white person bullshit.

hahahahaha wait Pete’s writing on a legal pad? That white kid in the pack of the picture is all like OK how do I separate this nerd from the pack and take his lunch money.

Pete is barely taller than those kids


No, this is the “you don’t understand how politics works” argument.

This is how human beings work.

Pete has always been a nerd. I thought this was common knowledge by now.

Also, here’s an hour of transportation nerdiness with county officials. I told y’all he’s a super nerd.

The issue that people have with Mayor Pete and his ilk is not some real or perceived nerdiness. I went to to school with a lot of nerds. None of them ever raised their hands and stood in front of class while spewing neo-liberal special interest talking points, while pretending that they don’t know how math works when it comes to healthcare.

Pete is a liberal version of Paul Ryan. Supposed policy wonks because the characters they play in public are described by the media as wonky, and they use polished PowerPoint presentations that are cribbed from the likes of the American Enterprise Institute, the Chamber of Commerce, or some other think tank that publishes papers on how to best keep corporate profits high while denying people healthcare.

Ryan is easier to laugh at, what with publicly claiming that his governing philosophy is inspired by Ayn Rand novels. Pete on the other hand is pitching similar profits>people policies, but with the patina of seriousness of a former McKinsey employee.

I find it curious that I hear or read Dem supporters criticizing grassroots activists for a slogan like Abolish the Police as being bad because “if you’re explaining you’re losing”. Yet that critical lens is never turned to focus on someone like Pete or Biden when it comes to healthcare. M4A and UHC are easy to understand…everyone gets healthcare. Meanwhile Pete’s plan is [I’m paraphrasing] well if we prioritize private/public(you’ll never guess who benefits more) partnerships, and means test who gets what based upon an actuarial table that United Healthcare gave us, then when we carry the 1 and divide by the square root of the founding father’s rugged individualism quotient, millions of people will still not have healthcare, and we’ll still spend the most per capita of any OECD country.

See, we can’t have UHC despite it being simpler to explain and better than Pete’s plan. I guess I must just hate nerds.


Nerd culture is when you tell the children of poor mothers that they can’t have free higher education because the children of a few millionaires might benefit as well.


Paul Ryan is a great comparison , n1 @mysteryconman




You’re sure as shit not going to see Pete handing out mosquito masks in Africa at age 90


Kindly fuck off.


The World


Like 95% of this forum are math/ poker/chess/politics nerds, lol @ acting like that is the reason Pete is hated

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Jesus fuck. I was responding to the previous 5+ posts that demonstrated that people actually do make fun of and hate nerds, because that’s exactly the premise those posts used to hate on Pete.

UP: haha pete is such a nerd, lol look at this fucking nerd doing nerdy things, what a tool

Me: uh, yeah, he’s a nerd

UP: oh we love nerds, couldn’t you tell, just not THIS nerd

But go off king. I’m sure Current Affairs needs more writers who gatekeep progressivism to support of one bill exactly the way it was written with no changes forever and ever amen.

I do not think Bernie’s Medicare for all bill is realistic and I think we should get to single payer in a more realistic way that has a chance in hell of passing.

I believe progress towards the goals of equity, social justice, a sustainable climate, and health care for all should be prioritized. If that means passing a bill that gets us 3 steps toward our goal that happens to be 10 steps away, then that, to me, is progress. It’s a hell of a lot more progress than standing at step zero screaming at the people taking 3 steps forward about why they are terrible for not trying to leap all 10 steps and breaking their legs when they fail.

If that makes me a neoliberal corporate shill, then whatever. All the labels we use have no meaning.


Love the passion but you’re never going to overcome Pete ripping off literal GOP health care taking points at the debates.


Why does it matter? He is Secretary-designate for the Dept of Transportation. I actually find it a bit baffling* that y’all keep pivoting back to something he will literally have zero input on.

I linked his infrastructure plan above. How about we debate the merits of that? Would love to hear actual discussion of Vision Zero plans or switching to a VMT. Or how about transportation as it pertains to racial and economic equity (yes those are in his plans and he’s already talking about it)?

*I don’t really find it baffling.


In the year 2056 we will all be senior citizens and posting in whatever version of UP exists. Watevs, and a few others, will still be talking about how Pete screwed over Bernie.


I mean Obama ripped off a literal GOP health care plan, and we’re still light years better off with it than with nothing.