The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

This is the point. Did they drop out because they thought Bernie’s politics were a threat to America? If so, to hell with them. Did they drop out to advance their careers? If so, to hell with them. Did they drop out because they thought that was the best chance of beating Trump? I doubt it and think they were wrong, but shrug.

Being an unknown is an advantage for a charismatic candidate because its easier for the electorate to project their policy preferences on the unknown candidate.


Well, that’s the big problem with the Democratic party. It’s severely fractured. We need a tea party-like movement from the left. I voted against Trump (AGAIN) due to lesser of two evils and all that. But they have completely lost me and I won’t be doing so again. If the Dem party wants my votes in the future they’re going to have to back populist policies that I (and the majority of people) are for

I get that we (progressives) lost. Even though I was super pissed that everyone dropped out the day before super Tuesday to gang up on Bernie, the fact is, more people supported Biden. But I also know that the majority of Americans support Bernie’s policies

We can debate all day about everything that’s wrong with politics, but for me, it comes down to mainly one key thing. Money. Get money out of politics. That’ll never happen with a Biden or Buttigieg in positions of power and there’s no way I’d vote for either of them in the future or next time regardless of what it costs the Democratic party. Who knows what’s going to happen with the Republican party after Trump. But I think the possible damage to the Democratic over the next 4 years has the potential to be far worse

I wish this was possible to bet on because I would shovel money against your position. I’d guess she gets 98 of 100 votes from UPers.

She would get all 3 of my votes.

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This is also really true, and is probably part of why Obama did so well. At this point someone like AOC while charismatic is probably way too “well known” by the average american to ever make it to an office like President, the republicans are already giving her the hillary treatment. As the democratic party becomes more progressive over time she probably could end up as high as speaker of the house, or senate majority leader would be my guess.
Edit: Look at the last few successful democratic presidential candidates (excluding Biden because this year was obviously an outlier):

  1. Obama, unknown, was Senator for only two years, before he ran, very little national stage presence before;
  2. Clinton: also unknown on the national stage, governor of small state and most hadn’t heard of him before he ran;
  3. Carter: also governor of a small state without much national presence before he ran

As I’ve said many times before we’re in a completely new era of politics and the old rules don’t apply. Social media and peoples engagement has completely changed the game.

I won’t pretend to know how things will work out, I just know it will be different. Just like the whole model of just needing to turn out more people, demographics shifts etc went out the window. You can blame the vast majority of that on social media.

bad assumption that Liz voters would have gone to Bernie

It’s gonna be tough to know where to give my votes since I’m not sure Soros is still around to sign the checks.


Excited at the prospect for Medicare For All Who Want It As Long As You’re Over 60 Years Old in like 2048.

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Well, so far in this forum it’s been a couple of the self-annointed lefties who’ve seemed most willing to turn on AOC quickly.

In the actual caucus, though, it looks like she’s getting bushwhacked by the centrists. Not a good luck for the Dems, that’s for sure.

I’m telling you progressive just need to go scorched earth against these pieces of shits.

Voters just need to make a large group that has demands if centrists want our votes.

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I’m not convinced scorched earth is the best way. It’s possible that the model for action should be assymetrical warfare.

In the short term, Democratic priorities are passing a stimulus bill and winning the Georgia runoffs. A scorched earth campaign would mean threatening to stop Democrats on those to prove a point. How would you go about that?

All progressive voters push hard in the primaries and then sit out any 2022 elections only voting for progressives and make our demands as to why.

If they lost 20-30% of their base they would ha e to make changes. We need to make it clear they cant win without us and our votes are not a given.

Progressive primary challengers need to commit to highly negative campaigns in swing districts that wound non-progressive candidates for the general election.


Two progressives on judiciary seems good

Judiciary is always packed with ideologues. That’s the committee ideologues want.

Yeah this is pretty much what I plan to do as long as Trump isn’t the nominee. I’ll vote Green or write in the progressive for the primary or something. I’m a believer in showing that I can be reliably counted on to show up and vote, because high propensity voters are worth catering to.

Katie Porter on natural resources seems not good?

Give the freshman progressives a decent spot and see if they play establishment ball with you, then kick 'em to the curb in two years if they don’t? Is that what the system is?

Wasn’t Porter on something financial or Oversight or something?


It’s weird that you would take this post:

and this post:

and flag mine for condescension.

Anyway, I didn’t mean it as a shot (in fact the bulk of my post was pointing out the skeevy behavior of centrist Dem congressfolks).

But your explanation of why the lefties on this forum are more likely to turn on her makes sense and is a fair point. Thanks.