The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Looks good but I doubt he will be the AG pick. Will be someone more political.

Does ‘barf’ constitute a thought?


Sally Yates would be a decent pick.


Someone called him “Black Mitt” once which was hilarious but kind of racist.

could Doug Jones get nominated to the DC circuit then?

Also as far as pushing Biden left, the process is on-going



Sounds like most Americans can’t wait until the 20th.

Once that happens, they can go back to not thinking about politics.



I didn’t even think about how transitions are paid for by donations. I just thought it was something that people did because it was part of the job. Is the money being used to bribe cabinet members in order to get them to do what they’re responsible for doing?

I have no idea how that tweet is going to drive up donations. Hell, I have no idea how he got donations that weren’t from millionaires to begin with. His only redeeming quality is not being Donald Trump.

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didn’t biden have like $400m on hand with weeks to go? did they set it on fire before the 3rd? i would have thought they’d have $10m afterwards for something like this or other litigation purposes.

The money is for your staff and office space mostly. It’s supposed to come from the Treasury. The transition office gets its own workspace.

It bears mentioning that the transition isn’t usually what Trump did… It’s like 2000 people working full time for several months. 2000 mostly senior people with mortgages and everything.

I actually found out in 2016 that campaigns start working on the transition before the election, though they don’t get government money for that.

Was about to say. Wouldn’t make sense for us to pay for procedural matters like that.

Biden’s lawbros prob told him that would take too long or be ineffective.

I mean we’re kinda paying for it anyway but it’s a terrible look

I mean, I would happily chip in $100 if they had subpoenaed and arrested GSA Amy and filed a bunch of emergency lawsuits.

As it is, fuck them. I’ve also donated $0 to the GA runoffs because fuck you, having demonstrated absolutely zero competence using my money productively.