The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

My brain just exploded with that Biden tweet. Maybe fucking rally the Dems to do something about the problem you spineless coward. Or do anything? Or save some of the billions you already took in donations for something like this? This whole “poor me Donnie is being mean to me now I need you to give me money” routine is sad and depressing.

My faith that Trump is going to be forced out of office just went from 100% to 99.9%. Mostly because I could see the Dems doing what they always do and throwing their hands in the air and saying “well we tried” while Biden does a concession speech from his basement.


For just 82 cents per day you can sponsor a worthless Democrat! They could bring Sally Struthers back.

I mean hell they are already doing this I get 4 pathetic Bernie texts a week still.


Cmon arrest the GSA? They have no real power. Oh no another toothless subpoena is about the best they can do.

Uh, they’re not getting votes asshole

Criminal referral to incoming Biden DOJ should do the trick.

Can someone break this down for me? Did Kamala and Lindsey vote the same way on something that wasn’t hugely bipartisan? What was it?

People are just objecting to Kamala being civil toward Graham.

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Wow - did not think it was possible to bungle the softball messaging of “Donald is holding up a transition and people are gonna die”, but kudos, Dems. Asking for money, yikes.

When you’re the President, you do have to spend some effort on governing. Apparently he needs the money.

I get that there are likely legitimate reasons for needing money. If you’re not going to try and force action by the GSA, then go to your mega donors and Hollywood backers.

Election month is going great


Yeah I 100% dont plan to vote for any centrists unless they earn it. If we fall into a dictatorship its because of them, their incompetence, and refusal to actually help their base.

Fuck them. If this leadership stays in we will fall into a dictatorship anyways. They’re fucking exactly why were in this situation.

The only way we dont fall into a dictatorship is by forcing them out and me not being willingto vote for them no matter what helps that. Maybe we they get absolutely fucking crushed in 2022 without the left vote they get new leadership.

The entire fucking left and any centrists with brains should all band together and say either replace the leadership with competent moderates with some spine and intellect to take on Republicans or we all stay home.

Maybe instead we will vote for whichever Republican is promising to lock your ass up Nancy with your 100 million dollars and refusal to help people or take on the GOP you piece of shit

Any hope for real change died in March. There is no realistic path forward for progressivism for at least a decade.

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What exactly are they supposed to do? What laws have been broken at this point? Can you sue a state to have them certify faster when they haven’t reached the deadline to certify the vote by?

Nah, there was no hope in March either. Rs would legit go through with the coup if he was the winner.

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Again it isn’t about progressives it’s about competence. The fact we lost seats is a disgrace. These idiots are going to get us all killed.

I would happily vote for competent moderates who go after Republicans, hold them accountable, tie them to the fucked up shit they do, and actually win. And deliver on some of their more progressive promises.

I dont need Bernie, I need people who know how to play politics and win

  1. Sally Yates
  2. Doug Jones
  3. Random American lawyer
  4. Merrick Garland
  5. Deval Patrick gmafb

Hey Joe, here’s the deal: go fuck yourself.