The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Sorry you have to deal with this. And good luck.

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I’m sorry he and my mil have it happening. I can deal and it’s not that hard for me really. What a night though! He was yelling and delusional and trying to get up all night.

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I think Bernie, Warren and AOC have been wise to be supportive considering what’s happening with Trump, but this is what they get for it.

Oh she knows. The American political system self-selects amoral, power hungry sociopaths. Everybody in the upper echelon knows what’s going on.

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“Challenging the incumbent VP who will be the first woman president will just be campaigning for Trump. This is not the time, wait until she is elected and then push her left” -dem party and centrist libs


Makes sense. It could be a political tactic given the instability going on. If so, I hope once Biden is sworn in they start pushing.

For the record, and to stave of 4 years of dumb posts, my metric for success at pushing Biden left is not him becoming AOC. It’s him adopting some policies supported by progressives.

Several people will consider the pushing to be a failure if Biden doesn’t essentially join the squad as an official member, which is never ever happening.

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Donkeys have four years to earn another vote from me. I am not terribly optimistic but I’d sure like it if they did



Sure and most people who want those things understand that. But people who don’t, like you, whining about internet posts on a tiny forum is also petulant.

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Everyone here is probably going to vote for Democrats in 2022 and 2024. That’s not where the real fight is though. The real fight is in the primaries… and in the primaries we have a shit load of equity. These old fossils are not competent and very very beatable.


Lol we’ve already skipped the fake “move them left after the election” part of the game. Love to see it. Would you say that the next election is, in fact, the most important ever?


Why would anyone vote for a candidate that doesn’t represent them?


Happy birthday :balloon::birthday::tada::confetti_ball::gift: Joe


Give me a break. Their argument on the 2020 primary was that all non-Biden Dems dropped out in some sort of underhanded or illegitimate attack on Bernie. What actually happened was that the party realized that if it continued to split the non-Bernie vote, then Bernie would win with a minority of party support, so they consolidated around a single non-Bernie candidate. Very reasonable and standard thing to do. Politics 101.

The fact is that many more Democrats wanted Biden to be the nominee than Bernie. That’s all there is to it. Chapo’s core thesis used to be that every American was a leftist deep down, and as that has continued to be proven false they’ve kind of flailed coming up with something coherent to replace it.

It’s not like they’re wrong about everything. Matt continues to provide consistently decent takes. Felix is great at making cultural analogies and pointing out American absurdities. But Will, who seems the most concerned about the underlying philosophy of the show, has lost like ten steps. When he was intellectually honest he called Elizabeth Warren a personal hero of his. Now he flails between trying to make some bizarre alt-right pivot (e.g. calling 2017 “the Pussy March”) and decrying resistance to Trump as if it’s laughable. It’s incoherent, and it’s annoying to listen to as someone old enough to remember his own takes from like ~2 years ago.

As I said in a previous post, I respect Chapo for its irreverence and willingness to call out propagandistic American bullshit. But the suggestion that critiques of the show could only come from people who “don’t understand their arguments” is just wrong.


Yeah, Bernie got a ton of headwind making the primary a referendum on the D establishment, not unfair that they challenged him to get a majority of the votes heads-up to prove his point, imo.

JFC, the talkies are already proudly announcing that they’re not going to vote in 2024.

Realistically this entire year and election cycle has been about the worst possible outcome for progressives. First Bernie gets absolutely slaughtered by Old Man Biden. Then Biden wins but likely won’t control the Senate which will give him a plausible excuse to not even attempt to take on the serious problems that almost all have proven progressive solutions. A Biden mandate and he would actually have to follow through with some of the policy positions he has been drug to kicking and screaming.

As a result the near term future is very bleak. I fully expect the Biden admin to shift right in a Clintonian way to try and get something, anything, done. The economy is likely a mess for a while and Covid will likely still be a thing into early 2022. The result will be a slaughter in the midterms. Then Biden runs for re-election at 82 and gets his ass handed to him by whoever.

I have zero hope for any real progress on anything until after 2028, and more likely never.


If Trump isn’t on the ballot I’m gonna write him in over Kamala


Yeah, we need a thread for prime 2022 primary targets. I didn’t mind blowing money on Harrison, Ammar, Greenfield, Bollier…but I’d like to get on the ground floor on getting some fossils out and getting some new troops for AOC+n.

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