The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Hes been dead for 20 years.


I overheard my wife listening to a “serious interview” of Ted Cruz, think with Axios. You know those types of interviews were the politician is more making the case for their legacy rather than campaigning for votes at the moment.

The interviewer asked Cruz why there was such a big gender gap in Trump’s approval. Cruz said “Why do men like wrestling way way more than women??? The answer to that is the same reason men like Trump.”


Toxic masculinity is a reason, technically.

Just gonna leave this here


I don’t listen to them but would nevertheless appreciate a few examples here. No trap set, just trying to learn from your perspective.


Gotta work with Republicans, tho

Biden is garbage. Didn’t see that coming! The question is: how does the left challenge Kamala 2024?

If the left is smart they’ll get behind Kamala. She’s the most liberal candidate likely to run.

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Oh, we’re fighting now.

The importance of the military part of the alliance is probably overblown. Don’t you think Europe looks to partner more with the US to keep China at bay than Russia? Like, with the countries having debt crisis like Greece, the EU was blocking Greece from taking Chinese investment. (Not all of it. China more or less owned (probably still does) one of their ports.

Left-authoritarian is still left.


Nobody but Biden is running in 2024 barring major medical issues ffs. I’d be glad to bet on this but 4 years is a long time to keep track of.

It’s still authoritarian, too. Fuck this shit, the general is over, now is the time to find ways to stop the Democratic establishment from nominating another centrist dickslap. Kamala’s brand of fascism is not the future, my man.

I thought it was true, but a slight misunderstanding of iron’s post.

But, since it was noticed…Something like…

That’s a funny post from a war hawk establishment Democrat to an anarchist.

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I feel like micro deletes more of his posts than any other user. I wonder if mods or admins have access to that stat? Just for curiosity sake.

I have a long email thread going with some friends and boy do I miss not being able to edit and delete.

Eta: I’m trying to post less, so I’m not posting and deleting to catch you. In fact, maybe I’ll do most of my posting in eta’s. So what if no one reads them?

Eta: wrong night to try to post less though. It looks like I’m going to be up all night trying to keep my 95 yo step-fil from trying to get up on his broken hip. Mil is asleep probably for the first time in two days.

Eta: my 80 yo mil did get up…and she fell!..but she’s ok. Goodnight.


In pure military cooperation terms I agree, but what seemed to be the thrust of that article was seeing the whole world in US delineated adversarial terms, and agreeing that the military is the one area of government exempted from austerity. The further and further down that road we go then the military just de facto becomes a larger and larger part of how they can and do engage in the wider world. So even diplomatic, financial or aid based engagement is done necessarily alongside or even completely via the military.

Blocking China in Greece is one thing, the EU clearly saw maintaining financial control there as an existential issue, but I don’t think that means they want to always oppose them. I’m naive enough to think they should probably seek a way to work with them in the increasing parts of the world where Chinese and European influence ‘compete’ (which I agree is a far bigger issue than W European vs Russian influence.) But that seems increasingly unlikely.

(Should add that I take all Western criticism of China about democracy and human rights to be ineffectual hypocrisy that the Chinese regime sees straight through. I obviously agree that it’s an unpleasant authoritarian state and that in an ideal world I’d live somewhere which could meaningfully orient foreign policy around that fact, but I’m not going to pretend that I actually do.)


Call me crazy but going to need to see a source not just random uncited internet text.

The major posts Biden have announced have been largely supported by AOC, Bernie and Warren as far as I’ve seen.