The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Do you think this is happening in this thread? Or are you referring to Twitter or something? Sincere question, because (while I probably missed something), I’ve seen a couple of his detractors in this thread mention that it has nothing to do with him being gay, but it’s unclear to me what they’re responding to.

It’s happened on this forum several times. Maybe not in this thread but during the primary.

Was kind of hoping to see more Granholm hot takes.

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How is Buttigieg a potentially generational threat who poses such a danger that a national political career still in its infancy needs to be strangled in its crib?

Oh, ok. It’s kinda weird that it keeps getting brought up in this context when no one is suggesting it, though

But thanks for clarifying for me. Cheers.

Who are the neo-lib up and comers in the Dem party? As near as I can tell he is one of the few under 50. He literally was 2nd in the primary this year that he dropped out of.

You realize there was a whole back and forth about homophobia amongst bernie supporters in this forum this year right? Stuff like:

“Most of the people I work with and interact with are hurt and upset by the constant insults and barely-hidden homophobic attacks on Pete by the Chapo wing of Bernie-dom.”

I’m too lazy to go dig the rest of it up but people can remember a few months back pretty easy. Maybe that’s why it keeps getting brought up.

Who is saying this?

No one is saying it in this thread. It was said plenty in the primary threads just a few months ago. I just posted an example in my edit above.

I guess it depends on what kind of influence we are talking about. afaik the feds provide cost sharing, so municipalities/states come to them with ideas for capital improvements for example and the government will evaluate the project and see if it qualifies etc and decide whether to provide cost share dollars to it, but the federal government isn’t the one coming up with plans to improve or better manage the NYC subway, I don’t think. So I don’t think anyone should be looking for the Sec of Transportation to fix public transportation issues for one particular city or another. I could be wrong, though. Most of my experience and knowledge is related to massive federal projects with shared jurisdiction where the Army Corps of Engineers is in charge.

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How does him being under 50 make him more dangerous?

I never said anything about him being dangerous. My original point was people don’t like him because of the scary thought of him being the future of the party. He would need to be young to be a threat for the future right?

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There’s a current of anger against identity politics coming from some Bernie supporters, which manifests as casually-flung attacks against certain identities as a signal of a lack of respect for idpol. That can take the form of possibly homophobic insults against someone like Pete, possibly sexist attacks on women like Hillary Clinton, or possibly racist interpretations of black voters whose support seemed key to Biden winning the primaries.

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I interpreted “generational threat” to mean that you perceived him as a potential “once in a generation” political talent who could be a bigger roadblock than other politicians of the same age in the future who might rise to prominence later.

LOL at anyone playing Ticket to Ride USA when Ticket to Ride Europe exists.


Some of us are dumb and prefer the simplicity of just going for all the 6pt routes in USA.

Ok maybe. But weaponizing that poor behavior to deflect from Pete’s actual problems isn’t exactly intellectually honest. Especially when the vast majority of Bernie supporters and 100% here couldn’t care less who he marries or has sex with.

Well we have had at least two really bad trans “jokes” in the last few days.


And those are terrible and should be called out. Wheatrich wasn’t a bernie supporter though.

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