The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

we banned ikes

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Did we though?

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anyway, I’m just here to point out that petehive dipshits are exactly as sick in the head as qanon dipshits, it’s just that they got lucky and they’re deluded about things that are less destructive.


Is there even any evidence that pete cares about trains at all? I have seen billions of taeks from numtots etc and they are all VIBING about pete and his TRAIN plans

He had a website once that he has now scrubbed that mentioned transportation.

I had a prophetic vision that even if Pete did try to make transportation better, congress refuses to fund any expansion

Mitch has to be thinking “no fucking way they fall for this shit again!”

It’s so obvious I can only conclude it’s intentional.

It really is like watching Phil Ivey chop up a local 1/2 game.


I never said it was intellectually honest. But I think it is predictable that some people will default towards attacks aimed at salience or perceived weakness.

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But how are we going to pay for it!

One from wheatrich. Huge Bernie bro. Don’t remember/didn’t see the other.

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I’ll say this about the Republicans, they don’t waste so much effort eating their own as Democrats do…

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Really? Tea Party? RINO? Trump, Brian Kemp, etc? Trumpstains are in DC chanting about destroying the GOP.

And the Republicans seem to think AOC, Bernie and Joe are all the same. Different perspectives from in or out of a bubble.


Um hasn’t the republican base just thrown fox news under the bus for not being pure enough?

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Correction: loyal enough. People use the word pure/purity a lot as if it’s about policy and ideas, but there’s really a lot more identity/loyalty in politics.

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That’s after the fact. Has Pete even accepted yet?

It is pretty dramatic to call criticism of a political appointee “eating your own. Also it’s not even accurate. Of course the brunch crowd loves Pete, they are completely insulated from his shitty policies. The people criticizing him belong to/are supporting the disaffected and marginalized 100m voters in this country. They aren’t “Democrats” and thank god for that.

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Or confirmed. It will be zero shock if a McConnell Senate literally never confirms anyone.

They think Joe = AOC and it’s been happening for so long, and it’s so obviously not an electoral disadvantage to be liberal, that the only logical conclusion is the fucking fossils in charge of the party genuinely prefer dogshit GOP-lite policy


they wouldn’t announce it if they hadn’t already gotten his acceptance