The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I support Pete becoming Transportation Secretary but I don’t support his homosexuality.



this seems right


When are white straight men ever going to catch a break?


But what can the commerce secretary do to enhance racism?


You can test them by feeding them this:


Reach a hand out to republicans but not any progressives so far…about right.


Chuck Grassley for Secretary of Pidgins. I think he’d accept.


Yeah, you’re right. I’m sure he only took the position because Transportation Secretary is such an obvious path to the Presidency and he’s gonna spend his entire budget getting Elon Musk to build a hyperloop between the CIA and the best wine cave in Napa.


What a piece of shit. USA is fucked.

I swear to god, if I see this pop up on rose twitter as the next conspiracy theory, I’m gonna lose it…

But it can’t be real because Elon moved to Texas. I bet there are some wine caves in the Hill Country…

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I heard this is fairly standard practice, at least for Democrats appointing Republicans. Obama retained Robert Gates who was appointed by GWB as Defense Secretary.

He also nominated Ray Lahood, who served as his Transportation Sec., and Judd Gregg, who withdrew his name for consideration for Commerce Sec after conferring with McConnell.

And Chuck Hagel later, a former? R at the time for secdef

Oh yes, that’s the one I went looking for originally. LOL Obama nominated him and Republicans fillibustered it.

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I forgot about that, I can’t remember the pretense either, not war-ry enough? He turned out to be pretty bad.

I also just remembered, Petraeus (don’t know if he was a registered R but close enough) for CIA before some scandal took him down. Jeez, thanks Obama.

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It all certainly worked to engender tolerance from the right, though. For example, here’s the first comment on the archived CNN article that I looked up, posted 3 weeks after Obama took office!

Wish I would wake up and hear that Comrade Obama was resigning ! This communist liberal has been in office 3 weeks and has moved this county sadly more to the moon bat left than it ever has been…well maybe since Carter. All you pot smoking left overs from the 60’s, Dems, and moon bat liberals will someday be sorry. As preacher Wright so informed comrad Obama…“Chickens comin home too roost”

ETA, wow, I also found a really nuanced takedown of Socialism a couple comments later:

OK, buddy - socialism is NOT why our forefathers came to America!!! They organized and rebelled AGAINST big government (aka a “monarchy”) - and THAT IS WHY THEY WON!!!

Exactly. It’s totally meaningless who is in any of these positions. You could have trotsky as head of transport and the machine would keep on rolling. The only responsibility of a democratic government is to hear your pain and understand. Not do anything. The only responsibility of a GOP government is to hear your pain and laugh. The pain is fixed.

Pete is a slimy grasping freak who has fixated on being president for his own personal aggrandisment since birth. ie a standard politician. Bernie, corbyn etc were that last gasp for a top down solution and the powers that be said nope. That avenue is closed. If there is hope it lies in the proles. And we’re all outer party members. We have to wait until something bubbles up from below (or doesn’t) which sucks. But once you let go of the illusion of control its very liberating.


It’s a chance for people to rightfully express their justifiable anger at several things. His slimy primary run, the obvious rampant corruption in the DemE class, the fact he is totally unqualified for the job, the scary prospect of him representing the future of the party and on and on. People have a right to be pissed because he represents everything wrong with the current iteration of the Dem party.

And frankly the people trotting out the whole YOU JUST DON’T LIKE HIM CUZ HE’S GAY nonsense are completely disgusting. Using his sexual preference as a way to deflect from how despicable of a person he has been and continues to be especially here is so far off base. I’m 100% sure no one here cares at all if he is gay or not. Does anyone think Bernie being gay would have changed his popularity here? We do care greatly that he presents a potentially generational threat to actually ever getting anything done and escaping the current corporate hellscape in this country. Pete literally loves the corporate hellscape and is beholden to it.

As far as his nomination who really cares. Biden continues to son him and putting him in DOT is a step below Ben Carson’s sphere of influence in the Trump admin. That part we should be happy about. It’s a dead end position and hopefully that dead ends his political career. There are much scarier positions to appoint him to and those didn’t happen.