The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Not that I expect Todd Young to lose in 2022 even if the opponent was Buttigieg, but I do get the sense Young is relieved to not have to sweat him.

Pete would lose by 20, especially in 2022 after the country burns for two years and he spends that time playing Ticket to Ride.

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Imagine all the people he had to fuck over to get to this glorious moment in his life:

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I’ll take your point about the positivity. I’m not claiming it’s activism though. Mimosa throws out boneheaded attacks on Bernie and his supports and I call him dumb for doing so. Then he whines about how my insults reveal that I am not truly committed to my politics. Really stupid. I’m just calling a left-bashing whiner out for what he i

In the future all of my posts like this will also include humanizing details of all the dollars and hours I put into the Bernie campaign as well as all the large deserved tips to the working class and donations to mutual aid and food banks.


Lol. While Pete himself is young his support was almost entirely boomers so nah.

How about you guys stop trying to project bullshit on to people and listen to them instead. People don’t like Pete because hes slimes, talks in corporate bullshit talking a lot and saying nothing, attacks progressive with literal bad faith Republican talking points, and a million other reasons people listed.

Seriously it’s super exhausting having people do the whole well akschually you dont like Pete because. We dont like him for the reasons listed.

This is coming from some one who says his appointment is better than 95% of bidens appointments so far and it’s a good pick


You wrote a ton of words without addressing him being beholden to his corporate donors. That is the big problem here and should mark the divide between progressive and not


Also while in a vacuum the appointment is way above average, obviously its gross as fuck quid pro quo to give some one an appointment after fucking over your political rival.

Yes its standard but it shouldn’t be


I think it’s way above average only compared to Trump. You don’t have to go that far back to find cabinets and such full of qualified people who ground their way to the top of the field. I mean man, the payoff for working in a thankless field like city bussing clearly isn’t pay, it would be being appointed to the top public servant job.

Government would be a lot less broken if the top spots went to someone who had been grinding the public servant game in a specific field for their entire career instead of to billionaire owned toadies who jump the line


I hate everyone that isn’t a member of this forum.


To give credit to Pete, mostly because I want to dunk on Yglesias but

  1. Hope this is obvious to everyone, but it just can’t be stressed heavily enough that social media performative Pete-hatred is not actually about Pete.

  2. I’d say most generously it’s about an accurate sense that his existence threatens the young socialist left’s belief that the future belongs to them. Joe Biden, yesterday’s man, is easy to live with. So is the politically clumsy Kamala Harris. But the prospect of a charismatic, talented, ambitious normie Democrat who’s not going away any time soon is terrifying.

is a bad take

So the Pete-hatred is not about Pete himself but then the next point is all about attributes of Pete, that he’s charismatic, talented, ambitious, and leans toward centrist politics? Yglesias shows his hand in the point after that saying that we need someone who can read public opinion polls. In reality the criticism is exactly about Pete and his politics, Yglesias just wants you, the reader, to dismiss them

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Healthcare is obviously important but don’t undersell the importance of transit for a lot of people. Here in DC, Metro is seriously proposing a plan for next fiscal year that will stop all train service after 9 pm during the week and completely eliminate it on the weekends. I’m pretty sure that is going to impact a lot of folks, particularly the ones who work in the service industry making just above minimum wage who can’t afford to just grab an uber when their shift ends.

Maybe he’ll prove me wrong, but I actually expect Pete will (a) understand that problem and (b) be able to articulate a good case for increased funding both within the administration and if/when it becomes time to sell an actual infrastructure week to Congress [or Fox News]


Didn’t watch, but, guessing:

  1. Trust the plan
  2. Storm is coming

Nothing I said was inconsistent with that POV.

My intent was to be merely descriptive and establish points that both sides can agree on.

It’s actually:

  1. The Supreme Court is not going to rig this for us.
    We need a political avenue to steal the election

  2. Someone in the Trump campaign needs to step up and tell us WTF is their strategy because we’re out of ideas and need some more poo to fling.


deep state gonna stop biden

Department of Education resisting the Biden administration may well be good. I’m sure they were resisting the Trump admin and sure that was good.

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I don’t think he has much ability to affect municipal transportation like NYC Subway or DC metro. That’s all state jurisdiction, afaik.



I skipped over a lot of shit from the last week but did people really have a big beef with him getting this position? I am fairly sure that the group that dislikes Pete, myself included, dislike him because he seems politically opportunistic as far as his values and he has not shown himself to be sufficiently progressive. I don’t think anyone here has any grievance with him for being gay, for being a nerd, for being ambitious etc.