The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Seems pretty meh to me. Better to force better stimulus or some shit. Or you know refuse to elect fucking Nancy.

JFC they get Mitch, one of the GOAT political operators, and we get Nancy, one of the WOAT. During the worst crisis our country has seen since the civil war.

Thats the way they want it obv, but wtf why isn’t AOC and progressives doing more. I guess it’s possible they just don’t have enough votes to stop Nancy from going through and are trying to get whatever they can for the small leverage of it looking better for Nancy and unity?

Who’s the better candidate? There’s not really a good alternative. Is it worth it if the result is Hakeem Jeffries?

Mitch benefits from having an ideologically compact caucus, but I’m not sure if he can move Senate Republicans to accept a better stimulus compromise and he seems to be reduced to begging them behind closed doors not to contest the counting of the electoral college.

Pete was appointed transpo sec so he could oversee the rat race


If Pete was promised a Cabinet position that wasn’t VA, what is the job where he could do the least harm?

I have no idea I don’t know possible candidates well at all. But are you telling me there isn’t someone who wouldn’t have completely fucked up the state and local funding with the PPP legislation? Wouldn’t have been able to message the stimulus properly? Wouldn’t have done a better job attacking the corrupt USPS guy? Who wouldn’t have lost seats in the fucking house despite Biden crushing?

I’m talking from the prospective of progressives obv, not the people who want that shit to happen. Like is there nobody they could try to force through that is more competent?

I mean fuck me even if you got someone in who does exactly everything Nancy would do it would be beneficial to the party just to get a fresh face in there who isn’t as hated. Kinda like in The Wire where they rename drugs who had shit reputations so that the rubes would keep buying.

Same question, but assume he’d be confirmed.

I mean I’m no fan of Pete but he’s still better than like 95% of Bidens cabinet picks so far so whatever. Better than some dude with massive investment in oil or whatever who has a massive incentive to not modernize our transportation or make it more green.

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It’s a systemic problem where Republicans treat politics like a zero-sum game and Democrats don’t. Dems need someone who is simply more partisan more than they need someone who is ideologically better. At the same time, Democrats have a more ideologically diverse caucus that is a lot harder to hold together than Republicans.

Meh, he’s much better looking than moe

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peeks into thread

Pete as DoT? I guess that means he’s a…

Roads Scholar


The bar is so low it’s underground :(

Frankly making pete transpo head is a dead end position. Who gives a shit. He was always going to get something after bending the knee and this is a tiny crumb even though it is laughable that he got appointed for anything.

People saying that people mooch off of social systems is exactly why shit like M4A has a hard time getting passed, just saying.

Your mask keeps slipping.


Eh, I’ll post this, but I doubt you’ll read it. You didn’t bother during the primary, either. The preview is wonky because it’s from the wayback machine. Pete’s infrastructure plan.

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Good lord, Wheeler is dumb. The Republicans would just keep Hillary in whatever temporary cabinet post Biden sticks her in, forever! Hilldawg in Biden’s cabinet? Christmas every day for Republicans.

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday congratulated President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris on their victory, one day after the electoral college voted in state capitals across the country.




My boss talked to an old friend of hers who apparently is completely gone down the qanon rabbit hole. My boss was pretty shaken up about it.

This person is a Chinese-American housewife with 2 teenagers, married to a doctor, who spends all day watching Newsmax and youtubes, thinks covid is a hoax, and has bought two guns to defend herself from the coming evil. She’s 100% sure that if Trump is removed Armageddon is coming.

How many people out there are like this? That’s so far gone I don’t know how you pull out.

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It has a hard time getting passed because our leaders are bought and sold by the medical industry and despite most people being for it they fight against it.