The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I’m not saying “people” I’m saying You. You personally. You are a moocher. You lap it up and then shit on people trying to fight for the same. Nicetry though.

Am I calling for policies that exclude you? No, that would be the mask slipping. I don’t support a congressional carveout to exclude people who do what you do, but I do support calling you a moocher.

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Infrastructure week!

At least Biden is playing it smart and saying in 6-8 months it’ll happen instead of Trumps 2 week claims


Just need some time for Republicans to grow a soul.

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I’m not quite sure why you are completely oblivious to the criticism that the man works for his donors. Big money in politics has completely ruined this country and your boy is sitting in the conflux. You don’t care though. The consistent knock on Pete has been that he changes policies to suit himself and his donors. No sane person should expect that something written on an early version of Pete’s website will ever become public policy. The dude flip flops on a dime and it’s always towards something pro-corporate and anti-worker. You seriously make me sick.



You are probably the most miserable dude I’ve come across on the internet. I hope life gets better for you.

FWIW, calling people moochers is a really bad look. (As is playing the fun hyper-masculine game of telling people you don’t like that their dicks are small. Again, your mask keeps slipping).

And also, not that it matters, but I am a full CZ taxpayer, I love the health care system here, and I fully support M4A in the states.

And finally, what you do is not “fighting” for M4A. It’s trying to make yourself feel better about your life by being a troll on the internet. Again, I hope things turn around for you.


Watevs is the only poster I have on forever ignore. He’s never once offered anything worth reading or one humanizing feature about himself. I guess when 95% of your posts are attacks on someone else’s character, you go to great lengths never to reveal even the tiniest detail about yourself that could be attacked.


Hillary and Michelle should be co-secretaries of Being Best to own the conservatards.


Based on his previous experience I expect Pete to do a surprisingly good job for a couple months and then when the big projects are about to start he’ll quit and cost everyone their jobs that believed in his vision and worked so hard to make it happen.


Cool man pretty easy to say all that now, it doesn’t erase the constant bad faith attacks and pitiful whines you made about Bernie supporters, sans evidence, throughout the primary

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Lol I wish I could bet on who will be more surprised in 8 months, me or Joe Biden


Sorry that I don’t post about going to fuck in Costa Rica during a pandemic, or maybe mindlessly repost tweets attacking progressives like your Ryan Knight post. Attacks on “someone else” matter a lot. Are you mad that I spend most of my posts calling out Warren and Buttigieg for fucking over the working class? If that bothers you then maybe go fuck in Costa Rica, these issues don’t even affect you.

Yeah sure I’m miserable but if you butt your damn head in to a post where I’m complaining about the obviously rigged power structure in our country to say I’m being too harsh on one of your favorite politicans, consider fucking off instead


Probably Biden, even though he’s lying about all this. He will forget that he was lying about it and will come at it fresh and be quite surprised. Perhaps even shocked.

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So Marcia Fudge at HUD, Pete at DOT and Granholm at DOE.

It’s a midwest takeover, boys, and I am here for it.

Nice of Joe to not name check the Republicans who said they’ll work with him. This way they won’t be embarrassed in front of their colleagues and voters between now and until they inevitably filibuster everything. 5D chess


It’s only 40 million people or so, I wouldn’t sweat it.

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Surely Joe doesn’t actually think Mitch will start being nice after 6 months? I refuse to believe he actually thinks that.

I love the Pete for DOT pick. He’s a rising star in the dem party and we need to get more young people like him into positions of power to replace the octogenerians running the democratic party. Good for Biden and congratulations Mayor Pete. I expect great things from him in the future.