The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

There is literally no excuse for not fully supporting m4a, right now. A hill I’m happy to die on. It’s insane.


I think its several things. First, lol insurance companies existing at all, raking like 20% right off the top. Second, they price as if everyone is sick because they probably are if they’re on the exchange and paying those absurd prices, as young healthy people have no incentive to not only sign up after they get sick. Third, there is almost no price competition in many states. Probably some more stuff I’m forgetting. Really any time you spend more than 90 seconds thinking about health care its so obvious that single payer is the only remotely rational policy. Like basically everything in this country the Republicans throw up endless bad faith bullshit arguments to keep the cash flowing.

If you start your analysis of really any issue by following the money in this country you’ll figure things out immediately.


I would be surprised if Congress or Trump fucked with the threshold for reimbursement.

Motherfucker Joe Biden just cut into jeopardy. I hate this guy now


Fuck, this guy shoulda delayed the speech a half hour, his throat is fucked

Yea wtf, he’s clearing his throat every 30 seconds. Confirmed pozzed.

There’s no way Biden makes it 4 years without his brain not totally deteriorating.

I was pleasantly surprised at what I was able to get this year, with Pennsylvania going to a state exchange. Which is basically just a way of saying that there was less shit than usual between the two pieces of stale bread on my shit sandwich.

I’m paying $360/mo for an HSA EPO with a $7,000 deductible and $7,000 out of pocket max.

Shitty dental for an extra $11/mo.

I switched from a PPO for $398 a month that had dropped to $391, and the same dental dropped by a dollar or so. The deductibles/out of pocket maxes went up, though. I made the switch to get an HSA. It seems like the way to go, especially since I’m unlikely to be voluntarily making any doctors appointments the first quarter to third of the year, at least.

Hard to tell the difference between Trump and Biden when it comes to blowing Goldman Sachs


$5000 a year in premiums with a $7000 deductible for someone in their 30s being considered good is criminal.


And basically everything 100% out of pocket prior to the deductible, except for the free annual checkup which ceases to be free if you dare to make mention of literally anything that’s been bothering you that year!


Yup. Exactly this. People without assets exempt from bankruptcy should not be buying insurance and filing for bankruptcy if the worst happens.

31 year old here. I have $7,200 in premiums a year and $5000 out of pocket max deductible. I hit my out of pocket max by mid January every year. Thanks pre-existing autoimmune disease!

It nauseates me to think how much extra money and time my peers that don’t have medical issues have. Not only is it insanely expensive to have a chronic disease, but thanks to the awful insurance system in USA#192, it becomes a part time job just dealing with all the bullshit.


But if you get seriously ill, your quality of care could be a lot worse if you’re uninsured.

Don’t leave :( Fight these meanies and centrists with me!

:) It did cross my mind that someone might take it that way, and I did leave it…but I just meant gone as a mod - my 3-6 month term.

I could possibly lose interest and fade away somewhat. I often think I should be here a lot less. But, I can’t imagine a hard leave. If you don’t see me around for more than a couple months…pour one out for a homie.


In short, yes… To hell with these half measures. We’ve been accepting that forever and it got us Trump and now Biden. I actually respect your posting. You seem like a very informed voter/person. But I couldn’t disagree with you more about Mayor Pete. He’s truly terrible and imo would be just as comfortable on the other side of the aisle

Anyone talking about Dore’s suggestion ITT? I think there are pros, but serious cons if it backfires and we end up with McCarthy instead of Pelosi. But jfc progressives gotta have some leverage and need to be willing to use it!

I’m not going to loldore you, but a less insane version of the idea would be to join Rs and not vote for shit like debt ceiling increases

I’m in the situation of having few assets and having a difficult financial year due to COVID, (although perfectly healthy mid 30s) and having to decide if I want to pay $350/mo for $8500 deductible insurance. It sucks.

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