The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Get em


ITT a bunch of guys sit around talking about what they think someone is thinking.

First, this convo started with a posted article about Pete being the frontrunner for DoT. I replied with a humorous jab at Pete written by a humor site. A couple posts about the value of DoT for a future presidential hopeful, then the fully predictable bad faith jabs at Pete, including implications that 30 years from now he will neither have changed any of his views nor will any of you have forgiven him for things he said 30 years prior.

As for misrepresentation, I present:

By even asking the question about people changing, could you not allow that I might be admitting in some small way that Pete should do more to appeal to your team?

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I think this forum believes that we need politicians who are disruptive to the system from the left and that we need to a) support politicians who can be this and b) figure out ways to appeal to voters so that more people support politicians who can be this.

Are you suggesting that we’re guessing what Bernie was thinking? It’s not a guess. It’s just believing him. Yeah, I think he’s extremely honest for a politician.

Violence Against Women Act (part of the crime bill)


Damn it’s clear who the best candidate for POTUS was.


I’m only 20 seconds into that clip, and it’s already total misinformation. 2+2=4 is a mathematical statement that one can prove with a little skill via set theory; cause and effect is not itself a process, it’s neither logical nor illogical, neither rational nor irrational, and has no relevant relationship to statements in arithmetic like 2+2=4, contrary to what the Senator asserts. Also Newton’s third law is about forces not causes.

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You post half a sentence I wrote and then accuse me of misrepresentation? The rest of the sentence is kind of important. I also don’t see how that is a misrepresentation at all. It’s pretty obvious Pete made a play for the moderate lane in the primary. He saw what he perceived to be a fading Biden and turned into the “But how are you going to pay for it” anti-progressive troll at every debate to try and consolidate the moderate primary vote. I don’t think that makes him evil like some do here, I just think he is and was an opportunist.


Glad to see we’re cool with calling posters stupid.

By the way, Victar, you’re stupid.


Lol, the guy said no free college because millionaires will get it too. You’re a propagandist for a corporate shill and you should be ashamed of yourself

Sitting in the lap of luxury telling dying people they need to wait for incremental change because Pete’s billionaire handlers say we can’t move too fast


That kind of opportunism is straight up evil

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Please consider being nicer. We’re trying to not have personal attacks and you had already completed the point before the s-word part.


I don’t care a whit about forgiving. When he advocates for what I want, I’ll decide whether I believe he’ll really try to do that stuff or is just saying what he thinks he needs to say.


And that’s how one asshole turns the whole board into assholes.


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Please don’t call people names.

Please don’t call people names.

I’m sorry to reneg on recusing myself from moderating you. Other people have told me it’s unfair to not mod some, but not others. I had hoped that could slide, but they are right.

Don’t worry, I’ll be gone soon. I think it’ll be on the short side of the 3-6 month term I signed up for.

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I watched that whole thing and holy shit these dudes have some elite poker faces. I know they were all basically like jesus christ I can’t believe we elected this asshole but there wasn’t a flicker of incredulousness to be found. Very strong.


bUiLd bACK bEtTeR