The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

So…practicality. Getting something, anything passed, rather than digging in and going for the all or nothing approach. I get it.

The problem isn’t practicality. It’s his corporate double speak and the fact that he legit tried to sabotage progressives with absolute fucking bullshit when this country needs them more than ever. He never had a chance and he really, really should have tried to be the young progressive that was on board with Bernie. Would have way better for his future. Could have differentiated himself by agreeing with M4A but focusing on his bill to change voting which was a great bill.


Because Bernie is the most fervent champion of the working class and the most visible figure in national politics advocating for M4A, a living wage, reigning in defense spending, etc.

He’s not a neolib centrist holding fundraisers for billionaires in wine caves.


Pete positioned himself as a deficit hawk. That’s more than a single policy that he can change his mind on. That’s an entire mindset for how government is supposed to work, one that progressives rightly see as limiting and often used to argue against government being the best it can be.

Either he truly believes in being a deficit scold and is a problem to be overcome or he is a panderer who talks about the deficit because he thinks it will get him more support and he doesn’t really have any principles.

I’d like Democrats to have the intelligence to understand why something like a balanced budget amendment is a fucking horrible idea, the courage to say so in public, and the communication skills to explain why to the American people. Do you think Buttigieg will ever satisfy me there?

Lol. That’s not about changing his mind and you know it. The point was about voting for shitty things for secondary reasons, kinda like what happened in the 2020 Presidential election.

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Change 30 to 20, then u got hidin’. 1988 then again in 2008.

Didn’t he try again at some point in between?

Bernie railed against the crime bill at the time when it was being written and debated. He voted for it because he wanted to vote Violence Against Women Act. I’m 99% sure skydiver knows this and now she’s using it as an example to imply Bernie was there with Joe and Hillary calling people superpredators and he just changed his mind.


I don’t think so.

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So, one primary season is enough to brand someone for life. No wonder young people don’t want to put themselves out there to run for things.

I don’t think you guys have to worry. 30 years is just enough time for the left to do to Pete what the right did to Hillary. It’s already starting, as is made apparent by the continual and willful misunderstanding demonstrated in this thread.

On the plus side, we’ve truly found something that will keep this forum together when Trump is gone!

We will all be dead before this happens.

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That’s not what I was using it as an example of.

More like how it’s ok to misrepresent one politician and their views here, but definitely not ok to do that for another, as evidenced by the replies.

Wait, so you’re saying that you were intentionally misrepresenting Bernie and your post was like a revenge post? You weren’t really talking about people changing their minds?

Ok, well, I just came in at that point. Didn’t know that post was entirely bad faith/sarcastic/performative. Sorry.

Now who was misrepresented where?

There is literally no room for nuance on healthcare imo. None. It’s M4A or I will relentlessly call you a shitlib centrist. It’s an existential crisis for millions in this country. This, the richest country in human history where billionaires have made trillions in the pandemic while the bottom have lost what little wealth they had. I don’t give a fuck about HSAs, or a marketplace to buy terrible coverage with outrageous deductibles. Support M4A or you are the enemy of actual progress in this backwards, shit hole country the working poor inhabit.


I guess I’ve got to give Madison Cawthorn a chance since he’s only 25, so there’s plenty of time for him to change.

Youth for the sake of youth isn’t good enough. Just because Pete was younger than the other candidates, that didn’t mean he resonated better with younger voters. In fact, I think the numbers suggested he did worse. He was the well-behaved boy that older people like to refer to as a “nice young man” and younger people see as a “teacher’s pet”.

Buttigieg is just not appealing to people who want someone disruptive to the system. Because he has such a thin record, one primary season carries a lot of weight in trying to figure out what he is. Certainly, he has plenty of time to change that and still have a career, but does he come across as the kind of person who will morph into someone who is anti-establishment from the left?


The primaries are the time to let your freak flag fly. Pete went out of his way to sabotage progressivism as he thought he could steal Biden’s lane. He got sonned.

He isn’t really the enemy but stanning for Pete in December 2020 given what happened and what is a massive favorite to follow is a bad look. It’s ok to just admit you were wrong about him.


I think this forum believes there are a lot more of this type of person than there actually is out in the real world.

lol, not when I posted it.

Since we’re jumping right to the extreme unrealistic hypotheticals, in another thread I posted a tweet from Christian Picciolini. Would you have given him a chance? I don’t mean now. I mean when he was 18.

Now it sounds like you were making a point about how people could change their mind and used Bernie as an example of that (even though I think you probably knew the background behind that vote and that he did not change his mind). And then, after the fact, you changed it to a revenge post about how misrepresenting someone’s views is treated differently based on who that person is. I still don’t know how Pete’s views were misrepresented. Maybe you’re talking about other conversations.

But, whatever.