The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I faintly remember Norman Mineta demonstrating general incompetence in Congressional hearings.

30 years is an exaggeration, but Al Gore won seven primaries in 1988, didn’t run in 1992, and waited until 2000. That’s really Buttigieg’s path to the presidency: build up a resume so that he is a credible VP pick. And he could use a minority female like Kamala Harris on top so he can be seen as bringing balance as a white male.

This might also be the best path for getting a progressive in the White House. Latch on to a more centrist candidate and provide cover from attacks from the left in exchange for the VP slot, then be next up and govern to the left of your predecessor.

Can’t wait for Republicans to make homophobic and inaccurate jokes calling him the tr***y secretary.

This is just you making that joke.


Do you doubt it’s coming?

I could have waited.

I don’t think they will talk about him much, honestly.

NBZ please remove that word from your post. It’s incredibly offensive. I understand the context and you did not intend to offend but it’s really bad.


They latch onto anything they can grab a hold of and run it into the ground.

Come up with an alternate phrasing that can convey the same meaning and I will consider it.

I wasn’t going to flag it if you removed it but I’ve flagged it. My first flagged post I think.

Please remove it.

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I’ve gone with the standard of obscuring part of the word with asterisks along the lines of “f**k you”.

lol wsj. what a clown opinion

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Did he have significant presidential equity this year? He was like a distant 4th place.

This is ridiculous

and no one is allowed growth or to change their mind or positions?

If we’re holding people accountable and hating them for stuff they did 30 years ago…why no hate for Bernie for his vote on the crime bill? I mean, people cannot change, right?

he got <1% of the black vote, in a Democratic primary that basically means he had zero equity.

Is this the thread to discuss how progressives can use their power to actually get something done? Can we pressure Pelosi before she’s re-elected to demand more progressives be given cabinet positions or force a vote on M4A so we have on record which Dems are REALLY for it? Surely, we have some power to wield here

lol, it was low, but c’mon man, source that. I think it was like 2% in SC. dunno the others.

As for these speculative reports? I don’t even pay attention anymore. The only one the press has gotten right has been Blinken.

Sure. I think Pete is very talented, but I think it left a really bad taste in peoples mouths how he attacked the progressives relentlessly and tried to hurt their chances to save this country.

But if he ends up as a quality presidential candidate and has strong progressive views thats fine. I won’t vote for him in the primary if there are other good progressives but I’d def vote for him the general if he gets that far.

I’ll let someone else handle it but Bernies vote on the crime bill was so he could get some of his decent changes in there. Someone more knowledgeable can tackle this for me.

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