The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

The link to the article




Democrats aren’t allowed to call themselves “conservative”, so that’s what they do. I wonder if Republicans who call themselves “moderate” score as more liberal than than Democrats who call themselves “moderate”.

That’s actually a great image for annoyed Biden, which is one of his favorite personae.

Why is every article such clickbait? “Suggests” doing a lot of heavy lifting in that headline. That is the strongest possible word you can use for what the study actually shows. They asked a population of college students several non-policy, SJW-academic questions about what they were actively doing to promote social justice.

Male students who identified as moderate responded similarly to conservative students.

There are several obvious flaws in extrapolating from this that “moderates are really conservative.” For one, the population is only college students. There are good reasons why that might not be representative. The median college student is far to the left of the median member of the general population. So there’s more peer pressure for college students to avoid self-labeling as conservative.

Also, my impression of moderate voters (as opposed to moderate politicians, which the article conflates them with) is that they’re mostly just people who don’t care about politics much. It makes total sense that they would not be actively engaged in promoting social justice, which is what the survey asks about. If you wanna draw conclusions about whether they’re closet Republicans, I dunno, maybe ask about policy?

There’s an annoying undertone here of shaming regular people. Many of my students work 20+ hours per week while enrolled full time. They’re exhausted. Are they gonna use their like 6 hours of weekly free time to “lead efforts” with people of diverse backgrounds or whatever? I say fuck no, just watch some TV and relax. But the authors of this study say you’re basically a MAGAtard if you’re not putting in the work as an ally.


The methodology in that article is just terrible and everyone hearting it because it confirms their preconceived ideas is part of what is wrong with America right now.

If the topic was something else the same people hearting it would be shredding it.

The gallop article, which gets a passing mention, makes the same point and seems to have a solid methodological basis. The article should have been about it.


Well I started it by sharing a screen shot, and then hearted @LouisCyphre because he found the article, and then I hearted @AllTheCheese because he wrote a great breakdown of the article.

So it’s on me as the catalyst of sorts. Apologies to the thread readers.

90+% of “journalism” seems to be of a click-bait variety these days. Which means we are most likely dealing with a phenomenon that is systemic. Media outlets prioritize clicks(and therefore shareholder profits) over informing readers. Much like our healthcare system values insurance company shareholder profits over people’s well being.


No one said it was some kind of rigorous study. Lol.

I hearted it because it confirmed my preconceived notions because it’s the truth


Kinda hoping Republicans steal this at the last minute. People need to wake up, Joe’s gonna put them to sleep


This just proves that mass transit is a CIA plot.




Is Pete just giving up his presidential aspirations? No one is going from transportation secretary to President unless he is on like a 20 year time horizon.

He’s like 15, he’s got time


Pete’s only 38. In 30 years, he will be the right age to make a serious run for president. Until then, he needs to work on building his profile.


Can’t wait for the 2048 election when candidate Pete tells us he still hasn’t figured out how to pay for healthcare or climate solutions


This is true. But who realistically has significant President equity and then waits 30 yrs to take another shot?

Any true republican moderates fled the party years ago.

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The only one I can name off the top of my head is Mitch’s wife. And that’s because she is Mitch’s wife.

I think he ruined them by attacking progressives. Progressive will be the future in 30 years when almost all the boomers are dead