The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

No, I really don’t. But, I will say I don’t think Rs voting party line makes them any different than Ds who do exactly the same thing with the exact same lack of conviction. Like, Biden went out of his way to be a law and order war hawk. He didn’t have to do that.

Mimosa is prickly because Hillary’s propaganda convinced him that Bernie supporters were especially sexist and that this was a good reason to deny basic European economic rights (that he personally enjoys) to the American people

This turned out to be a complete fabrication, but sadly this overloaded his brain and now he kinda makes these weird short circuit type posts about people not being smart enough to see how bad Biden was from the start.

Of course most of the people who are saying he is bad now were saying it pre election. Mimosa you should stick to jerking off about your block list


Sooooooo this. How many shocked posts do we need pointing out he isn’t AOC.

It isn’t discovering it so much as I think there was some hope from some of us he might throw progressives a bone. Plus we were repeatedly blasted with a few posters here telling us how Biden was the most progressive presidential candidate in human history and GO LOOK AT HIS WEBSITE GREEN NEW DEALZZZZ!!! every time we would bring up there being a zero % chance Biden was going to do literally anything. So it’s a mix of being pissed off and I told ya sos. Literally no one here should be surprised Biden is a chump. He has always been a chump.


Who is shocked? Name names.

Who claimed he was the most progressive candidate ever? A few, including me, claimed he was pushed left on some policies which he was.

Except he wasn’t? Unless you count empty words on a website?

It’s a weird turn for the people who railed against the more progressive posters to be like “lol, now you’re shocked that Biden isn’t AOC”. Weirdly predictable, but still weird. It’s like pretending that this isn’t what you wanted. Absolving yourself from any association with what is to come.


How did you know that? He isn’t even president for Christ sake. He hasn’t had a chance to do anything but apoint part, not all of his cabinet.

No one is shocked, Ian Miles Clovis

This is one of the most disingenuous posts you have ever made.


He is openly saying things like he won’t use executive orders. He has no chance of getting anything besides Republican legislation passed. He nominated an entirely milquetoast cabinet. He has a 40+ year history of basically being a Republican.

Saying things like BUT HOW CAN YOU KNOW?!?!??!?!! is exactly how we got Joe fucking Biden in the first place. It whitewashes who he is which is total fucking trash.

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Define the word “disingenuous”? You’re suggesting that you would want AOC/don’t want Biden? Have you seen your posts?

My position remains the exact same since months ago.

Biden is a hardcore centrist.

He was not the best choice for Dems. He was pretty far down the list IMO.

Bernie was screwed over ( hi watevs)

Once he won it was right and moral to support him over trump.

His platform was pushed left during the primary.

Now that he is president it’s time to push him left in any way we can.

I’m not willing to start claiming he is no different than Trump one month after the election and 6 weeks before he is even sworn in.

If after 100 days he has done nothing progressive I’ll happily concede so itt.


That’s not the whole truth. Your position is that he was pushed to the left, not just his platform, and we have a bet on that.

He is better than Trump. He isn’t up for the moment we are at here in the US though. Not even close. He has no chance to accomplish anything meaningful ever and the Dems will take all the blame for that (rightfully so) and then 2022 and 2024 will be a complete disaster and we are totally fucked.

Someone seriously give me a scenario where that doesn’t play out? The only real chance a Biden admin had was to learn from the mistakes of the Obama administration and the “successes” of the Trump admin. To fight back through every quasi-legal method possible and accomplish things that help everyday Americans through liberal use of EOs. It’s obvious he has zero intention of doing that.

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What kind of standard is that? Trump signed the bill that undid some of the terrible criminal justice stuff from the Biden written crime bill. Does one progressive thing make someone a progressive?


Call me crazy but I am assuming he had some say in his own platform.
