The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

If nothing meaningful can be done without dislodging the political establishment, does Biden do anything to move the needle on that?

The premise of your question is just false.

Let’s pretend Biden and Trump are identical in every way except Biden will take the pandemic seriously. That alone means he is meaningfully better.

People have priorities. For certain priorities, maybe Biden isn’t better than Trump. It’s okay for people to have different priorities than you.

lul at basic human decency as a priority we have actively select in a candidate

Lol. You having a problem with saying someone is like Trump is rich.


Biden is not decent. At best he’s a typical scummy politician. At worst, he’s in the group with the war hawk law and order neocons.


This site is going to be hard/impossible after Jan. 20. Maybe whatever Trump does or is done to him will continue to hold it together.

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wtf, these two were robbed


If so it’s only because one “side” imagines a giant gulf that simply doesn’t exist.

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… between Republicans and Biden


Well, Make America Great Again was taken.

This is true. Many Republicans are better than Biden. The insane delusion here is that that’s not true, that there’s some giant gulf between the least acceptable Democrat and the most acceptable Republican. That kind of thinking is exactly as brain-dead-partisan as the 95% of Republicans who just roll over for whatever Trump does or says.

Interesting how you said republicans and not Trump. Maybe because you know people make the claim about trump and not republicans.

The Canadian Ian Mikes Cheong has spoken

Biden is better than any Republican who embraces Ronald Reagan’s notion that “government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” How many elected Republicans disagree with that statement?

Kasich… maybe? I’m struggling to think of more than 2-3 at the national level.

Agree that there’s not a

But I can’t agree with this at all.

Got any names you want to throw out there as examples?

I’m worried this might be true as well. It’s already becoming boring as shit with people repeatedly discovering, seemingly for the first time, that 80-yr old moderate Joe Biden isn’t much of a progressive.