It’s more than fair to take that at face value, and fuck Joe Biden. I think the non angry non senile gloss on what he means is that he made Charlottesville one of his main campaign talking points, more so than any other candidate. That rings true, I think he brought it up the most. Of course, everybody else brought it up a fair amount that him saying this is bad faith at best, and it’s a ridiculous shot at progressives specifically; best I can say is he gets defensive and stupid when pushed about his lack of any progressive credibility.
Don’t know what to say except the other guy wanted authoritarian rule and would gleefully pardon the qanon disciple who puts a bullet in your head.
Ohhh, that’s what you were trying to say with all that sputtering. Thanks for clearing it up. (Looks like it was the Pete part that was causing your short-circuit).
I have to admit I have mostly tuned out this entire transition. I feel more hopeless somehow now regarding this country’s future than I did under Trump. I guess it is because at least we had some hope under Trump people would wake up and want real change. Instead we got microwaved 3 day old meatloaf. It is insanely laughable now to think about the celebrations in the street. These same people should be in the streets protesting by February but it will probably take a bit longer for people to discover what the DemE machine has done. What little I have bothered to follow of Joe’s post election moves are completely disgusting.
Not to put to fine a point on it, but every time you say insane things like Biden and Trump are the same that is exactly what you are doing. Normalizing Trump.
It’s possible to critique Biden without making false equivalencies.
We need a new Godwin’s law which states that by 5th post in a critique of Biden, someone will claim he is no better than Trump.