The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

What kind of fucking nerd runs for the most powerful job on Earth then when he wins says “Aw geez, better not test the limits of that power”?

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As always. Literally doesn’t matter what we do. Biden isn’t going to try any new strategies so he’s likely to fail.

trump sucks but he would never throw his own voters under the bus like this smh

do whatever and let the courts settle it. fucking learn something

Yeah without the senate we’re basically super fucked regardless of what we do.

Only problem then is the political blowback will be hung on progressives, and they are the ones mostly championing it, so this time it would be kinda fair.

But yeah if they do this while passing Mitches stimulus bill 2022 is going to be an absolute slaughter, but I want the slaughter to be hung on the necks of the ineffective centrists not on the progressives.

Most of the people I usually agree with are strongly for it, so maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see how this doesn’t backfire massively unless we get a good stimulus bill first to help everyone first, most notably the people we REALLY need to vote for us.

So basically this:

tells me that Tabbaker, at least, doesn’t really believe it and is just going along with the bit.

You, on the other hand. I really don’t know what to say about you.

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Are people actually taking Tabaker seriously?

Good post

hoo boy, you don’t want to know who granted my TS/SCI clearance then…


You’re babbling nonsense, man. But sure, you’ll crack the Buttigieg conspiracy any day now. Can’t wait.

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Pete may be CIA, he may not be CIA.

This is less important than knowing he is a person who uses corporate doublespeak to throw water on popular policies that would improve the lives of less-fortunate Americans. He hosts fundraisers with billionaires in wine caves. He thinks that free college is bad because a few millionaires might benefit as well.

Such a person should not be taken seriously by anyone who wants to improve this country for the poor. If you’re already well off I can see the appeal.

If you are serious about improving this country, stop listening to a man whose rhetoric belongs in the Republican Party. Cast off these platitude-based, corporate-owned Democrats and vote for someone who recognizes that we can and should do better.


The word pete was uttered and POOF, like a bat in the dark he appears…

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Nah, that one is my fault. I actually asked a question that he would be qualified to answer. Of course he didn’t, but whatevs :woman_shrugging:

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Lol what a ■■■■


Fuck Joe Biden. What a fucking scumbag.


People should listen to the audio. Biden sounds as megalomaniacal and clueless as Trump.

sigh - - pretty hopeless


I look forward to Joe upholding one of the three supposed pillars of his platform, restoring the soul of the nation, by talking down to Black, Hispanic, and too-left-for-me peoples that just annoy him.

Actually, that is the soul of the nation. So I guess he’s right.


Gonna be a long four years boys


On the plus side, Unstuck Politics’ rumored demise may have been premature.