The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

joe should give him top level security clearance lol


hunter for head of IRS audits, onetime

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Do they tell your lawyers you’re being investigated within 3 weeks of charging you?

Hunter / Don Jr. / Ivanka share a jail cell reality show, think of the ratings!

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All competing to get a presidential pardon but only one can win

though I’d rather have survivor style, lol at any of those three trying to do that

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I mean most people with a lot of money probably do sketchy shit but I highly doubt he did anything illegal and it’s a dog and pony show.

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Like Big Brother but no one ever gets out?

I for one am very excited to see the new programs and policies Biden brings to the country with his fresh, non-recycled administration picks.

I’ve never heard of this Susan Rice lady but I assume she’s a 35 year old fire spitting genius with some fresh new ideas?

Rice isn’t in the cabinet

Eh. Thought still applies.

I edited it to ‘administration’ picks, rather than cabinet.

I will hand it to Trump. He did fill his administration with a lot of fresh faces. None of them were qualified, and they were all evil incarnate, but there were quite a few that weren’t throwbacks from earlier administrations.

Bill Barr was the most evil retread qualified incarnate he could find and even he didn’t want to go in on the election is a fraud thing

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Arguing for means testing and against any adjustment for how we treat $200K in NYC versus $200K in Middle America is quite the interesting pair of positions.

Not really arguing for anything just stating what will and is already happening. Non college people will be angry and reps will use the idea the working class are baling out college people. Means testing takes away their strat. Which is why id guess dems are floating it.

If i was king id cancel all debt and make college free.

Also not sure where you got i would not be for adjustments based on location. All i was saying is 200k here is rich.


Well you’re saying $200K in NYC is rich. It’s not. Like what’s it cost for a beer at the bar near you? It’s probably $8 in NYC. When I lived there, $6 for a Corona in a vary was a steal - and that was almost 10 years ago. Rent in my two bedroom apartment in Queens, which I shared with two roommates (we converted an alcove into a bedroom), which was in rundown condition, was $2,100 total. Again, 10 years ago. I’m sure it’s quite a bit higher now.

Someone making $200K in NYC clears about $130K. It’s an upper middle class lifestyle, but they aren’t rich.

Oh my bad, it looked like you were calling $200K rich anywhere in the US.

Gotta be careful, next guy might try to build a wall via EO or something. Wouldn’t want that! Smart move, Joe!!!


No i would not say 200k in NYC rich. I could buy a nice house here with a ton of square footage for the cost of a crap apartment there.

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I’m torn on the student debt stuff. On one hand I think its a great thing to do. On the other hand, dems got educated people in the bag. And to do it while so many uneducated Americans are like stealing food to survive is going to create a LOT of resentment with the group we need to start winning or we have zero chance politically. Not to be a dick, but politically, the 200k people in NYC or CA don’t matter at all politically. Also who are those people voting for? I doubt its progressives.

I feel like they absolutely have to get a decent stimulus deal done before they even think about doing this. Otherwise Reps will message on it extremely well, dems will fail miserably like always, and I could see it being a massive political failure that lead to even more massive loses in 2022.