The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

For sure. I agree with you that Pete’s a bit too green to be in the cabinet, by reasonably high profile I mean like be on the team in some visible, somewhat in the loop capacity. He’s good on climate.

jay promised in an interview he wouldn’t leave governorship immediately after getting elected. epa was mentioned for him, but my guess he’s just going tonstick around here

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I don’t know what tabbaker meant. Maybe he just misremembered Naval Intelligence as Central Intelligence.

I don’t understand what you meant in the first quote if it wasn’t to imply that he was being accused of being CIA because he is gay.

the last line was completely unrelated. Sorry I should have made that clearer.

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In other news, many jokes on twitter about how Pete will have Mandarin learned by 1/20


By the way, I think almost all cabinet positions are held by people who are unqualified. Usually they are sort of politically qualified, but not really qualified. Like, Ernest Moniz and Henry A. Wallace were notable exceptions, but most are unqualified. (and Steven Chu!)

Wasn’t RFK like 12 when JFK made him AG? That’s chutzpah even by Ivanka Kushner standards.

  1. Looking this up I see RFK was Senate Committee Counsel for investigations and he was appointed by family friend Joseph McCarthy. That Joseph McCarthy.

I mean, basically all jobs are this way, unless you’re hiring someone making a dead-flat lateral move.

It seems like Cabinet jobs, as well as the presidency itself, have no analogs and you can’t really prepare for them until you actually do them. So we just have to hope that previous experience, or intrinsic talent, or whatever, gets these people through.

When I walked the Camino, during the first week I met ultra runners who said it kicked their ass…and that there’s just no way to adequately train for it because there’s nothing else like it. Same thing.

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Like the Energy Secretary should know something about Nuclear Power. Also Henry A. Wallace - Sec of Ag - was a farmer (and more than that, developed important strains of corn). They should have management experience sure, but cabinet positions are specialties and the Sec should have experience in that field.

Let’s give some more props to Obama. Arne Duncan was the head of the Chicago School System.

I wish Biden had chosen Heitkamp instead of Vilsack for ag. sigh.

To get her out of the Senate? That would be good. eta: Nevermind, she’s out!

“Pete is CIA” is a bit of a Chapo Trap House meme.

I agree with your broader poing it really depends on who the fifteen people are.

I’m not sure what I believe. Skydiver was also in the military and has been heavily involved in Dem campaigns and is now a mod on UP. Definitely possible for her to be CIA too.

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I thought we all agreed to make Pete the Secretary of Dunking on Right Wing Idiots?

Not sure what happened here.


Making Mayor Pete the ambassador to Norway would be an epic troll.

Someone else got the Press Secretary job.

looks like the establishment is feeling out preet for SEC chair