The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Commercial real estate is one of the very few sectors that can be completely fucked and almost exclusively hurt actual rich people! The only people who give a fuck if rents fall in NYC are building owners and possibly their lenders, everyone else wins.

Well that turns the commercial real estate bailout into a mortal fucking lock.


It is hard for most people to grasp how deeply the wealthiest people in this country have rigged the game, for a number of reasons.

First, there aren’t that many of them and they mostly know to shut the hell up. Alice Walton has a net worth of SEVENTY BILLION DOLLARS AND HAS NEVER WORKED A DAY IN HER LIFE. Meanwhile Wal Mart pays horribly, dumps employees onto medicaid and other government assistance and ravages small businesses nationwide. And Alice Walton pays NO TAXES AT ALL on the earnings, which are embedded in her stock holdings. And that wealth will probably not be taxed when she dies, either.

Second, the media has completely failed in this area. To the extent they spend any time on this issue, they focus on like CEO pay or whatever, which, while obscene is not the real problem. It is capital having completely taken over our political system, which benefits people who own, not people who work. Again, the biggest fortunes in this country are NEVER TAXED. Jeff Bezos probably pays less than a million dollars a year in taxes. Same for Warren Buffet. It is obscene and indefensible.

There is probably more to say about how bad people are at being rational about rich people, i.e. anyone with more money than you is rich, how hard it is to differentiate between 100 million and 100 billion dollars, and the absolute propaganda around entrepreneurs and business owners in this country. Regardless, the dynamic isn’t changing any time soon.


Maddow reporting that Biden is considering Merrick Garland for AG. :slight_smile:

something something pony

Alice Walton barely has anything to do with her own money. She donates to people like Hillary, but she’s not a huge mover of politics either. She owns a bunch of stock on paper. While she owns a large share of Walmart, it’s just a corporation that operates, by design, as a sociopath following only its fiduciary duty. It wouldn’t make a lick of difference if Walmart were owned by 15 million people with $10000 or 15 people with ten billion dollars.


remember when everyone dropped out and people here went OMG THEY"RE LOCK FOR VP

in reality

sending pete to china lmao


Sending the CIA guy to China makes sense


sending the mackenzie guy to china makes sense too

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double puke

triple puke more pointless and stupid than vomit inducing but w/e

just leaking that rumor is some meta game i am not sure i understand, like merrick arguing in scotus is supposed to own the conservatives. or he’s trying to appoint someone to garland’s seat on the dc circuit, which would be good if the replacement is under 30

OK, for once let’s be 100% honest, no trolling or sarcasm. Do people really believe this, or are you so deep into the method acting of it all that you feel like you have to say it now? I’m genuinely curious if there are people out there who actually believe this, a la flat earth, or you’re just riffing a deep, deep inside baseball joke?

Like, I always thought the Flat Earth society started as an elaborate joke/troll and then gullible people actually started to believe it and it got out of control. QAnon too, maybe. Is that what this is?

On another, unrelated note, at least Axios is honest that it’s gonna be tough for an LGBT person to get a top cabinet post.

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You think he’s being accused of being a CIA asset because he’s gay? Seriously?

Like he was an intelligence officer in the military. This isn’t Flat Earthing.


Barney Frank was behind MKUltra.

Also, the Mayor of South Bend is in absolutely no way qualified for a cabinet position.

Wtf would the CIA want with Pete in China, it doesn’t make sense on any level. Pete should be in a reasonably high profile energy/climate job, preferably one where he gets to go on tv and dunk on deniers once every few weeks.

If any of the dem candidates should be in a high profile energy/climate job it’s Jay Inslee, but maybe Joe isn’t that into climate.


what? no? I’m asking if people really believe he’s CIA. Gay has nothing to do with it.

Like, honestly? Or are you all trolling and I’m just not in on the joke? I HATE not being in on jokes :frowning: