The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Call me crazy but I doubt Biden could hit 50% on his website platform.

If the GOP takes the House in 2022 it’s almost a lock that Biden will be constantly under impeachment.

This is shitty posting, man, come on.

This is agree with. There is a very small chance he accomplished sweeping changes. He seems to think his only goal is a symbolic reunification of the country. I would love to see this but it’s basically impossible.

I see his presidency as likely to make a few small progressive gains but otherwise amount to little.

The two big areas I think he will have an impact is the pandemic simply by taking it seriously and climate change simply by reengaging in the global movement.

The real biggest accomplishment of his presidency is he stopped trump, at least for now.

BTW Clovis, part of the reason I argue with you so much is that you’re someone I disagree with but don’t dislike.


I actually originally wrote Trump but changed it to Republicans because I didn’t want to start a derail. Woops.


Pretty sure the majority of posters here do not like Biden even a little and will not be giving him props unless he deserves it. There are like 3 or 4 people tops who are going to be big Biden fans that I can think of. Most people are absolutely shitting on him ITT


This is exactly how I want politics to be.


I probably should have said tedious, but fair enough

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OK, let’s move past discussing how moderate/centrist/etc Joe Biden is.

What would you like to discuss that isn’t tedious?

If that Bahamas thing is true, hoo boy.

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I think he wants to Shit on Bernie Sanders for attempting to round up support for the stimulus

It feels like there has to be more to that story. I mean, I won’t be all that surprised if there’s not and it is what it looks like, but I do think there must be more to it.

I’d like to hear more about Keisha Lance Bottoms and how we can advance her position, she seems like the real deal from what little I’ve heard.

What Bahamas thing? Can someone point me to it?

I think it’s that Biden offered Keisha Lance Bottoms an ambassadorship to the Bahamas.

If that is true instead of HUD that’s nuts.

It would be a big step down from the present status. Trump apparently couldn’t bother appointing an Ambassador to the Bahamas, so it’s been run by professional diplomats. Obama had put in a fundraiser in with no relevant experience.