The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

If you want to push the party to the left, support progressive candidates. Besides the advantage of getting people in you like, you give the DemE new incentives. Bernie is single handedly responsible for getting student debt on Chuck’s radar.

However, it would be helpful if, once the primary is over, you avoid spreading conspiracy theories about the DemE. They’re not accurate and it undermines the left by reducing confidence in the left, which includes most of the DemE.

If you don’t think Nancy is part of the left quartile of the country, that’s a you problem.

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I’ve seen multiple folks talk about how they are through voting for democrats and that the party needs to burn.

My question was genuine to those folks asking if that means not voting against Trump or if that is an exception.

Nancy might be nominally “liberal,” but she is a straight up cancer on the party. All these out of touch fossils whose only concern is maintenance of their own power are ruining the country. Their personal political opinions don’t matter when they suck so bad at doing politics (other than crushing any threats to their own standing within the party).

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I would assume that most of us are willing to vote D if they show us something. If they don’t, speaking only for myself, I would abstain in a hypothetical 2024 match up

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So you think she’s primarily interested in maintaining power, but not interested in expanding their power by, say, winning elections.

Maybe not you specifically, but the tin foil “they’re in on it” crowd.


Biden has a couple dozen EOs ready to go J21. That’s something.

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That’s fair and I suspect that is a commonly held belief. I think my assumption is that at the end of the day when it comes election time, the republican candidates will always be thought of as enough of an existential threat to merit voting against.

The “they’re in on it” theory has light years more supporting evidence than any theory that involves Biden, Chuck and Nancy actually fighting for improvements for the common working man.

Calling it a tin foil theory is ridiculous. We have literally 30-40 years of supporting evidence. Most notably we have a super majority and the WH in 2009 and managed to accomplish nothing but passing Romneycare.


The supermajority lasted about 3 months, so thats about right if you care more about doing good legislation than slamming through stuff.

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Democrats winning elections does not expand Nancy Pelosi’s power.

If anything, it weakens it, especially if those winning elections are to her left.

Quick, name the House Minority Leader. Pick his face out of a lineup.

You don’t know? Neither do I.

Specifically, Nancy grew up in an era where the “most effective way to get power for the left” was to raise money from folks like her hedge fund husband and his friends that feel a little guilt about the wealth they have hoarded, and use that to run TV ads and shit to win elections.

When you do that, how far left you can go is limited by how what your hedge fund buddies are willing to tolerate. Turns out they will let you go hog wild on social issues but are just slightly to the left of Rs on economic issues. That also means that your candidates for office are determined by forming a line based of the most effective fundraisers, who end up being people that hangout in wealthy circles.

Have no idea if that was actually the most effective way to do shit in the 80s and 90s, but it’s time for that mindset to go. Can raise unlimited money online just by being a passionate talented politician who gives a fuck.

lol guess people are going to be shamed into voting for every dem because republicans are always an existential threat?

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Of course. Why fix something that isn’t broken?

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It’s Kevin McCarthy. I’m not certain I could pick him out of a lineup, but I think I could.

Anyway, that’s irrelevant to my point. It doesn’t matter to Nancy Pelosi whether she is Speaker or Minority Leader.

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Ok lay out your case that the Clintons, Obama, Pelosi and Biden have been delivering in the last 30 years on literally any progressive or leftist legislation or even attempting it in good faith?

As near as I can tell they made it harder to get welfare, made it easier to put minorities in prison for life, passed a Republican health care bill, built concentration camps at the border, made it harder to file for bankruptcy, bombed and droned brown people, and on and on and on. There is zero proof for your point that somehow they would have done good things if they could. There is lots of proof they have done lots of bad and harmful things every chance they could.

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It means progressives lack the power to be anything other than a junior member of the coalition and should temper their expectations accordingly.

If progressives want M4A, they may need to learn how to cave on almost everything else to get such a big thing.

Ok, deal. What are these issues we can cave on?

What kind of amateur politards are you. Even I could name McCarthy as leader of the Republicans in the HoR and know what he looks like. And I don’t even live in your country.(didn‘t know his exact job title, though)


Later, driving

Everything that’s not M4A. No wealth tax, no defunding the police. You’ve got to support the foreign policy establishment. Shut up about the Green New Deal. No court packing.

And you’d only get 80-90% of M4A, with some tinkering to water down Bernie’s bill.

Take your five or so biggest priorities, pick one to get a less-than-100% victory and take the L on the rest. Some might want to prioritize electoral reform as the pathway to getting everything else.

Assume there will be no revolution. Then what?