The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Literally this all comes down to electoralism not being the way for change. Unionize your work place. Be active in your community. That’s the way to implement change. Dems and Rs are the same voting for them does nothing don’t at me.


Dafuq? Of course Nancy would rather be Speaker.

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I have no idea how this proposed hypothetical would work in reality

Backroom dealing.

This was a perfectly logical line during this election. One I vocally supported. Trying to extend it now to 2024 or back is just bad faith.

It’s no longer time to blindly support dems. Biden won. Trump is gone. He was a unique threat to the world. The same is not true of some generic republican.

It’s now time to figure out how to fix the system. That might involve not supporting dems anymore.

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I guess thanks for assuming I ever had the plot in the first place, in order to be able to subsequently lose it.

I just feel like I’ve heard time and time again how “this is the last time I’m voting for a [Democrat/Republican]!” and like, both teams will pretty much always figure out a way to talk themselves into it because the next opponent will also be an existential unique threat to our democracy.

Edit: I’m not suggesting to stop trying to push your party in whichever way you feel they need to go, but it just sort of cracks me up thinking that anyone on this forum would vote for Devin Nunes or not for his opponent because the Democrats didn’t get Medicare for All passed.

You are correct. People do make that claim each cycle which is why we need to be so careful making it again already. Many progressives were rightfully skeptical when it was made this time about Biden. I made the argument many times on this site. I thought then, and I still think, Trump was and is a unique threat so voting for anyone is better. That is not true of any GOP candidate. Your boiler plate republican isn’t nearly as different as many Democrats in terms of policy. There are differences but the gap is narrower than it should be.

We need people to organize and campaign for progressive AOC-style candidates at all levels of government. Disengaging from politics entirely is the worst idea.


Yes, she would, but it’s orders of magnitude more important that she squash any threats from her left.

According to Nancy:
Nancy as Speaker>Nancy as Minority Leader>>>>>>>>>>>Nancy getting challenges to her power from her left

Just shower thoughts but progressive positions are broadly popular. The more I think about it the more a third party seems like the only option. eDems might come along with the coalition, or not. We’ve got 40+ years of evidence showing that moving the party left from the inside is ~impossible. Maybe running on a platform using popular policies could work? :thinking:


Any reason we can’t primary centrist Democrats doing just that?

Theoretically no. Practically it seems virtually impossible to do in large enough numbers

The Tea Party managed to do it.

That were bankrolled. I think that’s the biggest obstacle. It’s an interesting model though

If you want to take on the eDems, you have to understand that a large part of the Congressional Black Caucus are their allies and you have to commit to running negative and contentious primary campaigns against longtime black members of Congress.

It’s okay to accurately characterize pols positions, even if they are black!

I proposed a hybrid approach of primarying centrist dems from safe districts, and running the same candidate in a Progressive/Squad/WellLabeled party. If we win the primary, great, our candidate is the only one on the ballot in the general. If we lose the primary, we still have a chance in the general. This would only apply if there’s no viable Republican candidate. For the closer, but still blue districts, primarying would be the right approach. For the redder districts, primarying is a negative, as the Republicans found out several times (Indiana-Sen, Missouri-Sen, Eric Cantor, etc.) If we primary Spanberger with a Squad member, we get a Republican. Obviously more critical with the Senate and Presidential races, and less critical the more local you get.


That’s bait dot gif

Yes, exactly this.

Chuck Schumer, despite being considerably more liberal, is a far worse senator than Joe Manchin.

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