The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

As near as I can tell millions are currently living and dying in misery right now.


you need to expand your mind on worst outcomes

Thats going to happen regardless. Have you been paying attention? Unless there is a massive restructuring of the party dems are going to get crushed. 6-3 supreme court majority for decades, about to lose house and senate, probably presidency in 2024. Losing minority voters at an alarming rate etc.

Dems in power are completely incompetent and losing on purpose. People are fucking SICK of the establishment the way its been behaving.

Progressives aren’t asking for a progressive government, they’re asking for decent representation and a competent party who actually delivers on popular policy.

i mean, i guess you are angling for a revolution, but that in itself isn’t an outcome. it’s an event, which also may or may not bring the ones you seek into power.

Exactly this. The GOP controlling everything is already happening regardless in the very near future. What exactly is the cost of trying to blow up the party right now? Nothing as near as I can tell.

I’m not angling for a revolution. I’m saying the progressives need to break away and try and wield their power rather than doing what they are doing right now which is allow themselves to be used by the DemE crowd which themselves are being used by the donor class/corporate class.

Not contradictory.

Number of people that care about or are in favor of every progressive issue, especially the myriad of minority rights issues, is not large.

Number of people that care about progressive issues, specifically economic issues, that affect themselves is large. There are way more working class people than elites so common sense would so someone chasing votes should almost reflexively choose and hammer home the working class side on every issue. But Edems refuse to do it, hence they are either stupid or in on it.


look i get it, but i don’t think leaving the dem party is going to move it to the left. it’s just going to make it less likely to win. you move it to the left by staying engaged.

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say hello to chairman Cotton and premier Cheney for me.

I’m sorry but this is just totally ignoring what is actually happening. Look at Bernie’s campaign in 2016 and 2020. It legitimately had a large percentage of support although not the majority. What exactly did progressives get out of it? Nothing. Staying engaged resulted in nothing because the DemE crowd has no interest in progressive causes. Their job is to enrich themselves and their friends and donors through soft corruption. That’s it. They literally don’t give a fuck about policy. They care about money and power. You can’t move people like that left. Their entire reason for being has nothing to do with actual policy.


Thanks libs


34% of republicans are for some form of single payer. 15% are for socialize medicine. Can’t really use that as a proxy for progressive.

That is part of the problem. Progressives are no more a single unit than eDems.

We really need to shift our focus from people to systems. Systems are the problem, yet we spend 98% of our time pointing out this dem or that republican who sucks or did terrible thing X.

The reason it never changes when people change is because the people are trapped in a system.

In 2018 a record number of brand new Congress people were elected, including tons of women and PoC. Yet here we are 2 years later and not much changed. It’s not that they are all eDems. It’s that they are part of a system. AOC is tweeting support for people others think are non-progressive because she is forced to work inside a system.

As they say, the system isn’t broken. It is working exactly as designed.


that’s revisionist, hillary adopted bernie’s free college plan, and biden took up a lot of climate agenda (but not from bernie). and bernie lost votes between 2016 and 2020

Look you fucking centrists this isn’t up for debate. Call your centrist ass senator/house member/local dog catcher and tell them to work with progressives and give them equal representation and choose competent centrist leadership in this fight for our fucking country or your sorry ass is getting bottom bunk in the gulag.


This was a year into the Trump Presidency.

These people are not your friends.


I don’t consider myself a true progressive, but I sure as hell would vote for people pushing this country to the left.

Some website edits does not add up to actually doing anything. Look at Biden’s cabinet. Regardless of what is on his website he is not going to do anything to advance progressive causes.


I think this is pretty much spot on but the system only exists because the Dems are complicit. If they de-tethered from the corporate/donor interests the system would change right?

VoteForSocialists is very clearly a troll, don’t respond to that screen name as if he’s an ally or anything resembling


i know nancy is a ghoul, but house is right now debating and going to vote on marijuana federal expungement. that’s progressive agenda.

i don’t know if student debt will get canceled, but i hope it does, and that will be done by the deme with progressives, not apart