The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Voting republican is one hell of a way to advance progressive causes!

I’ve literally said it since 22 and 100 times here but I will say it again. The Dems are the end boss. They are the actual gatekeepers to getting anything done. They want us to think it is Trump and GOP in order to keep us voting for them but they are the actual people and entity that is holding this country back. Being the party of the left while actively sabotaging actual left/progressive political goals is genius though you have to give them that. They also prevent themselves from ever being popular enough to get a real majority by sucking so bad which is also genius.


It takes less than 10 progressives voting for a Republican to cost Pelosi the Speakership.

Round up and Cali is just getting proportional representation there.

Both LDO, but even if we win more primaries they will still hold power and still fuck us over, we need new leadership.

Sending a message that either you give progressives proportional representation and work with them or you lose elections and badly is the only way to make it crystal clear. Not only to those in power, but the people wanting to come to power and the voters.

If voters are like holy shit we lost the progressive vote and 30 seats in the house, they will try to win us back like they try to fucking win republicans back. People wanting to rise to power in the democratic party will latch on to that and start talking about reaching out to progressives. They don’t bother cuz we always show up. That needs to end.

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Progressives are basically a battered spouse. The abuser keeps telling us this time will be different but it never is. Until we leave for good we have no chance of making our situation better.


So you have progressives who are taken for granted, your average Democratic Party loyalist who thinks the party is progressive and won’t believe anything else, the average Republican Party loyalist who swallowed the lies about trickle down and the GOP being for small business and the little hard working person and you get something like 99% of the population is basically a battered spouse. And the 1% is not the DemE or the GopE, it’s just the ruling class.

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I mean you aren’t wrong. The entire system is completely broken for everyone except the 1%. It’s obvious the Dems have zero appetite or incentive to do anything about that though. In fact most of them love it and want to keep the system as is. They are rich from it. Their friends in Cape Cod or whatever that they rub elbows with are rich from it. The system works just fine from their perspective.

I’m just saying it’s time for the progressive wing of the party to leave imo. I don’t care if that means electoral disaster in the short run. Like StimAbuser said we have to either defeat these people or make them take us seriously. How much worse can it really get than right now? We can literally flip the table on them. The Dems will never win elections without the progressive voters. Right now they get to take progressives for granted and the result is what we have.

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Other than culture and fear of change, why aren’t progressives rallying around a new party to the left of Dems? Other countries have more than two parties. And a progressive party that wields kingmaker votes if bigly powerful.

Fear of a complete GOP takeover is my guess. The thing is the DemE isn’t that much different from an actual outcomes perspective from an average GOP government though is it? Like if McCain had won in 2008 how would things have been much different for those years?

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Because we have a first-past-the-post, winner-take-all system that makes a two-party system inevitable.


The tea party nutter wing of the GOP party essentially did what I am talking about btw. They now have control of the party. It isn’t impossible.

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Well we faded bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran I guess?

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I think our biggest hurdle is the tea party had media and capital on their side iirc. So our battle is much more uphill and will need to be entirely grass roots.

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There is a super weird disconnect on the forum. On one hand most of the progressives argue only a tiny fraction of the population are progressives and that most of the people on this forum don’t even qualify. On the other hand we want to argue we are some huge voting block the dems are ignoring.

Either people are going to have to expand their tent or relegate themselves to ongoing minority status.


And if that doesn’t work?

if progressive wing leaves, gop is going full totalitarian. there is no world where the progressives kneecap the eDems and the eReps are not opening champagne bottles, lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills, and cheering for bernie/aoc.


I wouldn’t say most of the progressives argue that. The most hardcore few do sure. The progressive wing of the Dem party is pretty large imo. If we are including people who are for socialized medicine as a proxy what percentage do you think that is? It has to be an enormous percentage. The fact the entire DemE power structure doesn’t do anything to actually benefit their voters means decoupling them from their voters should be possible if there was an actual alternative.

Do you really think that is worse in the long run? We are on a long slow decline into the abyss right now with no end in sight and no clear path to even doing anything about it. The party who is supposed to be doing something about it pretends to do it while literally doing the opposite. Having the GOP drive us over the edge is far from the worst outcome imo.

even with all their handwringing, tea prty/gop were never actually persecuted during obama’s first two years. progressives/dems may be totally obliterated by another 2 or 4 years of republican trifecta, not to mention hundreds of thousands living and dying in misery.