The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I mean he said it better but his point is basically the point I am making.

Not a single eDem is even out there advocating for just giving people money, a wildly popular idea! Just like weed legalization, just like gun control, just like health care, just like minimum wage. At some point people need to realize they aren’t talking about these insanely popular policy options because they don’t want them to become law.


The Democrats and the Republicans are both owned by wealth-hoarding sociopath morons who desperately want to maintain the status quo because they’re paranoid that change will interrupt the aforementioned wealth-hoarding.

We’ve all been hoping that the GOP’s recent transition into insanity might shift the Democrats into actually protecting democracy/people rather than just playing prevent defense for their own bench of billionaire fuckwads. That the dems are not rabidly campaigning for Georgia’s seats makes it look suspiciously like they’re content with minority - potentially so they’re not pressured to pass anything that helps the average American (translation: damages donor power).


Is this was the explanation they would try to win the senate and then just maintain the status quo.

Maybe. But the donor class prefers a divided government, and it’s easier to keep your job if you can say “we didn’t help you because the GOP stopped us,” not “we didn’t help you because we don’t care.”


It’s not going to pass, and neither will this compromise bill, and even if the compromise bill DOES pass it’s not going to gain the dems any votes and barely help any actual people. Mitch doesn’t want to pass a bill, he wants the country to burn under Biden. He already signaled refusal to work with the bi partisan bill which was ALREADY awful.

The stock market is soaring, Mitchs donor class don’t give a fuck.

Best thing to do is pass a massively popular stimulus bill that is ONLY money and message on that to try and win the senate. Then you actually have leverage to pass something.

Shoot me

Jerrold Nadler tho!

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My rep, Katherine Clark, is Assistant Speaker, which is like a top 4 job, and she is in the Progressive Caucus (currently a Vice-Chair). I find that to be a little encouraging. She did send out a fundraising email praising the two women that Biden chose for the cabinet though. This is the rep who replaced Markey when he went to the Senate.

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Boy, congress, way to shoot down the stereotype of dems being the party of the coastal elites


Here are the changes:
Agriculture - Colin Peterson-MN to David Scott-GA
Appropriations - Nita Lowey-NY to Rosa DeLauro-CT
Foreign Affairs - Eliot Engel-NY to Gregory Meeks-NY

Peterson lost in the general, Lowey retired, and Engel was primaried by Jamaal Bowman.

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The reason they arent pushing georgia is that they are all tied up in the transition, jockeying for power and position. They care about personal influence, not ability to pass progressive policy.


Seriously think of the spoils to be distributed through the Biden administration…

Rosa DeLauro-CT heading Appropriations is one of the more liberal congresspeople. She helped form the progressive caucus back in the 90s. I’m all about getting Congress younger but this isn’t bad given who the choices were. Plus she like to rock purple hair.

lol I like the strong “No” from jake when he’s asked is he a progressive

I’m telling you progressives need to form groups and straight up walk away from the edems at this point. Refuse to vote in the midterms, maybe even vote republican. Threaten to do it again in 2024.

I’m actually kind of hopeful this happens because every progressive I know is sick of this shit already and Trump is gone.

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I would prefer scorched earth primary challenges with heavy use of negative campaigning.


Met my first Trump election truther today. 100% genuinely believes the election was stolen. Deleted twitter and facebook and joined Parler. Thinks COVID is just like the flu unless you’re fat. Dude is all the way gone.

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Is he fat?