The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Also, this is another reason…


lots of conflicting reports out there but I was wondering what she’d get and don’t blame her for going LOL INTERIOR from a gov spot.


That’s weird because she’s way more qualified for HHS anyway.

She’s already been a state health dept leader.

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I wish the Dems would fight back but it seems to me they are genuinely in an impossible situation.

Explain to me a path forward where he gets up and says everyone in the GOP is awful and the cause of all that is wrong with America? While obviously true, how would it help him get his cabinet, judges, or laws passed?

It seems like he is doomed if he goes full slash and burn and doomed if he goes bipartisan.

A skinny bill doesn’t help all the states and counties about to go bankrupt forcing them to layoff tons of employees. Mitch and the GOP don’t want to fund them which is largely why he won’t pass a stimulus package.

GOP states are going broke too, of course, it’s just that Republicans have trained their voters not to care.

If anything they would celebrate it because its proof that government is incompetent, taxes should be lowered, programs cut, etc.

It seems clear the DemE crowd doesn’t want to win the GA runoffs. Maybe they are afraid of actually trying to govern who knows. The only people I see fighting for it is the progressive wing of the party. Maybe I am wrong but I see no coordinated effort from Biden and the rest of his friends that control the party to do anything with it. Beyond depressing.

I’m starting to think the accelrationists may have had a point because a do nothing Biden presidency while the country burns is going to be a disaster in 2022 and 2024. We could have at least gotten to the inevitable outcome now instead of waiting 4 more years for it.


The lack of a push in Georgia is odd. I don’t buy they don’t want to govern. What is the possible incentive for them not to try to win unless they think they can’t.

Maybe they have polling saying it’s a lost cause?

They’re either in on it or stupid. That’s it. Either way, I’m out.


In on what? Are you seriously suggesting the Democrats want the GOP to win?

Stupid is a very plausible explanation but there are others too.

Let me say what I am saying a different way. What do you think the DemE is trying to accomplish right now?

Have you considered the possibility that Warnock and Ossoff want the national party to be less visible than you think they should be?

Are there any stories about anonymous campaign members complaining about a lack of support?

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Even if this is true think about why that would be true? It’s all the same problem.

I don’t have a good answer to that but I just don’t find it plausible they want to lose. It makes no sense.

Other options

They are dumb
They have polling saying they can’t win
As NB said, they have been asked to back off
They think their involvement will yield more results in a couple weeks
They think the current cluster in GA about the federal election makes their immediate involvement in the run off ill-advised

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By the house passing a simple-as-fuck COVID relief bill. Cash money to every American. Nothing else in the bill.

When Mitch doesn’t take it up, get on your megaphone and say that the Democrats want to give you money but we can’t unless we take the senate.


Let’s imagine the Edem power brokers are dyed in the wool cynics. They like their big offices and fancy dinners with lobbyists and insider trading tips but they truly believe deep down that the system cannot be reformed from within. The stranglehold of capital is too strong to do anything other than nibble at the edges. They’re not hacthing an evil plot to ruin the world they just think nothing of consequence can be done (basically joe bidens 2020 slogan). If you’re not going to be able to improve people’s lives at all then you’d rather be able to blame it on not having the votes than the truth that capitalism has ossified and is now a closed loop.

It’s a double incentive because you can explain away your lack of progress and somewhat credibly claim that the voters are at fault for not voting hard enough. We’d love to do X but we just don’t have the votes, sorry. It gives them a reason for still existing (we’re working hard given the constraints plz keep the money rolling in) but doesn’t put any pressure on them to deliver anything that they believe is impossible (like basic human decency etc)


What about cities, states and counties though? It’s great to get $2500 but not if you lose your job at the same time.

I can see the argument to do the clean bill as a political move but I assume the Dems are hoping pressure will lead to a bill that solves both.

Do that later when you have power.

This is why they lose.

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This is certainly another possible scenario.