The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I said before this and I’m sticking with it that Joe isn’t set in stone on anything. I think he will go whichever way his advisers push him. So I’m mostly blaming his advisers and democratic leadership on this one.

If they were telling him there is fucking zero chance Mitch works with him and we needed these runoffs badly and we need to message around that so people understand how desperate this situation is, and that even if we lose we need voters to know Mitch is a fucking legislative graveyard and all the coming failures are the fault of the GOP senate, I think he’d go with it. They aren’t telling him that though.

Not worse than I thought. I had Biden as next to last place just ahead of Bloomberg. Well, I am rethinking that.


I just don’t see how Joe can actually believe this or any of his rhetoric after being part of the Obama administration for eight years and seeing first hand how McConnell operates with a Democrat in office.

Like it’s so far-fetched that Biden can actually believe this that surely there is something else going on here.

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McConnell stonewalling and playing power politics is pretty much the entire Obama legacy. I simply cannot imagine Joe Biden actually believes there will be bipartisanship

I mean so did I obviously, and it’s still worse than I thought.

If you were right and a dem would have won in 2024 after Trumps second term, I definitely think it probably would have been better if Biden lost.

I expected Biden to be terrible, but I had hoped his advisers would have seen everything going on in this country and at least fucking tried to fight back.

I think Biden was Bloomberg’s first choice. There was a graphic that came up while bloomberg was in the race showing how each candidates tax plan would affect Bloomberg and Biden’s plan was more favorable to Bloomberg than Bloomberg’s own plan! It is possible that Biden’s tax plan might’ve changed some since then but I always found that funny

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Either way it’s still fucking terrible strategy to signal he will work with you instead of being honest and saying Mitch and the Republicans are a fucking cancer on our country and will block literally any actual help for the people of this country.

They tried this strategy… and lost a ton of seats in the house and lost the senate despite Joe winning by 7 million fucking votes. I don’t know, fucking switch it up? JFC


Yeah. I guess I’m hoping the play is they make a big high visibility overture toward bipartisanship, obviously get rejected, and then feel like they have cover for doing whatever they want within the boundaries of executive power.

The GOP behavior is all very easily explained by incentives. And among other things, Mitch has absolutely no incentive to cooperate. So the only way Joe can win is by winning the Senate or shifting incentives somehow. He isn’t even trying to do either thing. It is absolutely hopeless.

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At this point I think I’m just hoping that Biden is either being spectacularly dishonest or knows something I don’t. That second argument hasn’t worked out well for me in the past unfortunately. Usually when something looks dumb or corrupt it’s because it is.

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Maybe Biden is just one of those people that tries to find the good in every person and thinks that people will change for the better and work with him because he’s a nice guy. I mean hopefully he doesn’t feel that way about Mitch but I think it could be in his range

The “maybe they’re all just genuinely nice people” defense goes out the window in light of their willful, mean-spirited attacks on progressives.

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I think we’re better off if he doesn’t get involved in the GA races whatsoever, showing up and mentioning the importance of it to a red state (even when biden won, the senate races the bad guys got more votes) that the senate will give control to democrats isn’t the strategy that is going to win those races.

I’m not actually sure what will other than somehow turning out more people than they do. We’re down a few points and there are no swing voters anymore. Biden isn’t gonna be a net gain with that. Dems always are in more complicated dumb spots than R’s are with voters. Pushing the crazy people not to vote is all I got so far.

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What is the story for why average people should turn out and vote for Democrats in Georgia? What are they hearing from the Democratic Party?

As usual, in ads all they’re hearing is ZOMG REPUBLICANS ARE SO SO BAD! At the same time, they’re also hearing Joe Biden say “Republicans are actually reasonable people I’ve known my whole life and I can talk them into compromises.”

So to recap: no affirmative reason to vote for Democrats, certainly not actual money or health care or anything, and really no reason to fear Republicans because yeah they say some crazy stuff but they don’t really believe it and Joe will talk them into being nice.

They’re going to lose, and they should.


If we won the general we KNOW we can get enough votes to win the senate seats. But you can only do that by stressing to people how insanely important it is. You do that by having all the big names down there stressing that.

They’re doing literally the opposite and undermining that message by saying well actually Republicans will work with us so these races don’t fucking matter at all really, stay home and stay safe.

I mean you might be right Biden wouldn’t really matter much because most people don’t really like him, but Obama and company would be great. Still he could stop undermining it by saying Republicans are going to work with him. Say that if we lose the senate seats Mitch will not help people with stimulus, stress that his bills only help fucking corporations etc.

Have the house actually pass new bills offering more assistance to people. 2400 per person and direct payments would fucking crush. Then tell people you need the senate to pass it

Maybe Mitch and Biden and many of the Dems in the house have enough in common that they can and will work together to pass legislation.

Joe Biden will never have more people paying attention to him than he does right now.

If he used that platform to say “we want to give you money and Mitch is going to stop it unless we win Georgia,” that would at least have a chance of working. At an absolute minimum, it would placate the left wing of the party who, at this rate, is going to be lost to him before he even takes office. I know I’m personally completely done with him.

It is plain as day nothing is going to happen the next two years. The only way that doesn’t result in a wave GOP massacre in 2022 and probably 2024 is to get out ahead of the obstruction now, when people are actually paying attention. You have to forcefully and relentlessly blame Republicans, starting yesterday.

Joe will not do this, Democrats will get slaughtered, then they’ll somehow blame AOC. Fuck 'em. I’m done.


I suppose it’s possible there’s a chance that Republicans are more willing to compromise with a white guy.

House passed a ton of bills already that nobody gave a shit because it wasn’t on TV. Or just didn’t care in the first place.

In this era, stuff like that just isn’t as important as people think.

I’m not sure they can literally say “we’ll give you money” if we’re elected, I’m sure that violates some law out there that R’s give no ****s about if they did it.

Stimulus bills are different. All eyes are on stimulus right now. I mean both Mitch and the garbage ass bi partisan bill got air time and is all over social media, you don’t think if Nancy passed a bold new bill, possibly a skinny bill giving Americans a 1 time payment of 2400 and 2k a month for three months or some shit it wouldn’t get an incredible amount of play? You crazy if you don’t think so.

They don’t need to literally say we will give you money, they need to say we are passing a bill that will give you money but Mitch won’t pass it because he only answers to the corporations who donate to him.