The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

i was very worried about her since you guys ripped her to shreds. but now the CAP image has been fully rehabilitated

I feel like a Predator handshake meme between Bernie supporters and Senate Republicans shitting on Tanden may be misinterpreted, although it would not be far from a fair overview of what’s happening

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Grunching a bit but Maher is infinitely worse than Rogan. How is this even a debate?


Some people will look at you getting the sleep knocked out of your eyes and say “That got you unemployed and living in a mobile home. That shit is not for me.” Those people may not welcome all the critiques.

Eta: as you know, not talking about myself, that shit IS for me.


Its the old ramming shards of dirty glass into my eyes vs pulling out my intestines with a rusty fork debate.

ahhh yes love rehabilitating the image of a woman who outed a sexual harassment victim, wanted social sexurity cuts and wanted to make Libya pay for us to bomb the shit out of them but yeah fox doesn’t like her so she’s all good to VoteFor"Socialists" lol

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i was being sarcastic. it’s legitimately puzzling what i am supposed to feel about a lady i did not know before yesterday, after learning 1) five worst things she’s done professionally, and 2) both RIGHT and LEFT hate her.

i guess somehow i missed out on cap being antiprogressive this entire time. i used to read thinkprogress, but that was a decade ago. what happened to them?

my bad, my sarcasm meter didn’t detect that

lol her twitter profile. Very feminist!!

When the pandemic came through in March, there were many responsible people suggesting that primary voting shouldn’t be business as usual, in the interest of public health.

Neera Tanden, along with Symone Sanders, led the righteous charge against those dangerous ideas

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LOL looks like Neera is as far left as they’ll be pushed by those pesky progressives

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lmao progressives get 30% of the vote and make up about 30% of the party and they legit get nothing from the establishment.

Burn it all down.

Felix commented a few weeks ago that the Biden coalition might be the weakest in history to put a guy in the white house and I think he’s spot on. It’s already falling apart.


Meanwhile the martial law put dems in camps coalition is united as fuck.



Don’t worry, folks. I’m sure he’ll be pushed left and things will get much better:


This is paywalled, but a few thoughts.

First, Biden elects to spend an hour talking to…Thomas Friedman. One of the biggest dipshits in all of media, whose idiotic books gave intellectual cover for disastrous neolib globalization policies that have decimated the middle class.

Second, he just assumes through the interview that Mitch McConnell will be Majority Leader. Dude, show some fucking leadership and explain to the country why Democrats need to win in GA and what the benefits will be if that happens, for real people. Nah, better roll with the same tired “Mitch will be nice to me” routine, which has as much chance of happening as Donald Trump gracefully conceding and living out his remaining days in the Peace Corps.

This is some of the most delusional bullshit I’ve ever read from anyone, ever.


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We knew it’d be bad, but it’s way worse than we’d ever thought. I was hoping everything that has happened would have woken these dipshits up and got them in the game but nope, head still buried in the fucking sand. Even as our democracy crumbles around us they don’t even fucking try.

Like he doesn’t even understand the basic fundamentals of how our government works.

His argument is “I’m popular and Mitch isn’t so eventually they will have to play ball.” While Joe Biden may be more popular than individual GOP Senators nationally, that is decidedly not true in the places that elect those GOP Senators. Their only threat of being removed from power is from a primary challenge from the right. And one of the best ways to ensure that happens is cooperating with Democrats. Mitch McConnell isn’t even going to put his members in that position - he just won’t vote allow a vote on anything. Joe is either stupid, delusional, or more likely both.