The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

My opinion is that they are both assclowns and there is no way in hell I’m going to follow either one close enough to know which is worse. Why would I subject myself to that?

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Sure glad we normalized that.


Wow, you mean to tell me that out of all the presidents from George Washington to Obama, he was the first to have an account on a platform that was founded in 2006? Shocking.


joe biden strives for a new style of innovative leadership


If we assume the goal is to change people’s minds about policy and to therefore advance progressive goals it’s important to understand the Venn diagram of Mahers and Rogans audience is not a circle because they each attract a different kind of viewer based partly in their own biases etc.

Perhaps the Rogan bro’s are better positioned to accept some things or visa versa but if we don’t explore the differences how will we know?

Well you’re a better man than me because I’m not subjecting myself to that on the tiny chance I could convince somebody that surely doesn’t want any convincing of anything of any material importance.

Has Tanden/CAP been some sort of low key Fox punching bag in recent years, or is this really just where conservatives are trying to define the Overton Window?

It’s this, and it’s been working.

The right actually thinks that people like Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, etc. are hard left socialist communists.


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Mother fucking onion!



It came from ChrisV saying that Tanden was a hypocrite for criticizing Bernie for the Rogan endorsement while going on Maher’s show and Clovis saying it was a false equivalence to compare Rogan and Maher like that.

Man I’m already completely over the Biden Administration and it hasn’t even started yet. Sign me up for the “nuke establishment Democrats” campaign. Not the “berate everyone to the right of me on anything” project, the “actually help primary some of these assholes” project.

This is profoundly ignorant for someone who follows as closely as I do, but like, how do I do that? What organizations are worth my time and money?


yes and yes

I think Neera has gotten way more heat from the Bernie left than like Fox News or whatever. Way more bernie bros know who she is than, say, Limbaugh listeners.

It’s still relatively young, but Justice Democrats seems like it aligns with your goals. It’s probably worth keeping tabs on the new folks who got elected this cycle to see what they’re up to, and, assuming you like what you see, getting involved with the folks they support in the 2022 cycle.

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People will gain some wisdom if they can connect tbe dots between this and how Unstuck and their friend groups work.

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GOP is very upset about her

from the article “The OMB is also a rare Cabinet position for which nominees have to submit their tax returns to the committees for review”

so this is a law with precedence huh, HOW ABOUT FOR POTUS???
