The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

State and Treasury are filled. Defense will most likely be Flournoy. AG who knows.

Are there any specific disabled or LGBT people who were rumored to be under consideration for those posts or should have been?


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Yep. There are people, even some who post on this website, who think Bernie is a leftist.

This is an incredibly poorly thought out post and borderline offensive.

People with disabilities are both one of the largest groups in North America and one of the most ignored and poorly treated.

They need far more of a voice in politics.

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I agree with bolded. Calling them a minority group still seems weird to me.

There are lots of people who probably need more of a voice in society that I wouldn’t call minority groups:
-Uneducated (i.e., didn’t graduate high school)
-Previously Incarcerated

Are all of those “minorities” also?

I think underrepresented is probably the term I’d use.

I mean Alabama just went D for a special election. I’m not taking any chances.

The pedophile exception applies for sure, but I’m OK fading that.

well this thread sucks


I think Bernie’s going to vote to confirm Neera.

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doesn’t make sense to leave a safe senate seat for VA secretary

as noted with senators, Scott Brown in Mass won Ted Kennedy’s seat (now warren’s) in a special election. They’re not gonna screw around with these senate margins.

This forum would hate my presidential cabinet, but I’d offer a few republicans cabinet seats that would get replaced by dems hoping someone’s dumb enough to fall for it. Even if dems online have a further meltdown, I’d be fine with 2 years in the senate majority for the tradeoff. (especially when you can fire them later)

Duckworth beat a republican incumbent. It isn’t out of the realm of possibility a Republican wins the seat again.

and Kirk was an election for Obama’s seat after the appointment. That was after the whole blago selling it fiasco.

These are both public schools. Are they supposed to be negatives? I’m all for shitting on gold coasters but the truly awful ones got sent to places like Philips or Porters and the like.

Then again, in undergrad we had a lab partner from Darien who wouldn’t stfu about how much money his family had and how much better it was in his town vs where the rest of us were from. He quickly got put in his place when I asked him wtf he was doing here with us then. So I guess carry on knockin on them.

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It’s a nice idea in theory, but I looked at the Republicans in seats that might be winnable for a Democrat and the least offensive one might be Chuck Grassley.

Who has their opinion of Stacey Abrams lowered by this tweet?

  • Me
  • Not me
0 voters

Iowa has a R gov so I believe it’s KS, KY, ME and tha’ts it basically toomey’s gone in 2 years anyway (NC is no good, has to be same party) (WI doesn’t have gov appointment, LA is a quick special election)

like KY, that’d be a free 2 years, lol rand paul and all but if he’s just there to find wasteful spending I’d say it’s not all that bad. then you can him

I was looking at states where a Democrat at least has a fighting change of winning a special election. Grassley seemed like the most tolerable Republican in those states.

Biden kicked trump’s ass so hard he sprained his ankle

should sue him for it really, it’s what trump would do

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