The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Not a fan of Psaki as a press sec; listened to a fair bit of her when she was SoS press sec and just not impressed. Paint by numbers flackery with those millennial tones you know and hate. Hopefully she has gotten better in the last 5 years.

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Why can’t we just admit Biden was exactly what we thought he’d be and not a step in the right direction


Well, if she just sucks at the job, that’s a legitimate problem.

Not sucks sucks, just another missed opportunity. Will not be distinguishable from the other milquetoast late Obama press secs like Josh Earnest.

I was hoping for somebody at least dynamic. Pete style dunking on Fox correspondents from the podium is change I could believe in.

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Because he’s a step in the right direction.

For a guy who wanted a “diverse” cabinet and staff, leaving out the largest minority group (disabled) and any LGBTQ representation is kind of an interesting choice.


Not being a smartass here. Is his cabinet all set?

no, but it’s rapidly getting there.

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It’s almost like it was all a lie

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puts a whole new spin on “Mayor Pete would give his left leg for UN Ambassador”


Duckworth would be perfect for VA, she did the same job in IL. However, leaving the Senate would be a demotion.

Also an unnecessary risk of losing a Senate seat.

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I’ve heard through the grapevine that the transition team put a moratorium on choosing sitting senators. We’ll see if that holds.

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Also, look at the bright side! There’s this to look forward to:

Maybe we should have a separate thread defining what “progressive” means.

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He is doing pretty good with appointing women and PoC. The lack of LGBTQ+ people so far is concerning. I’d love to see a person with a disability but I’m not holding my breath. I’d guess less than 10% of people would even include people with disabilities as part of a diverse cabinet.

I’m not sure who is in charge of designating minority groups, but I definitely didn’t get the memo that they were included when one is discussing “minorities”. It just seems like such a heterogenous group. If Blinken started walking around with a cane, would that count? Is it just anyone who has a handicapped parking pass? Is Rahm disabled because he’s missing a part of a finger?

Above notwithstanding, if he was going to appoint someone like Duckworth (not necessarily her specifically) to an important role, I can certainly see the value in that.

This should be a simple math exercise. How many Cabinet positions are there and how many nominees have been announced?

How much risk is there really on Duckworth? Governor is a Dem and if there is a special election, Dem really ought to win.

I wouldn’t worry about her getting appointed to the cabinet and I’m way more fearful of losing Senate seats than most.

Not many. None of the big ones that I can think of: Defense, State, AG, Treasury. Seems like he’s filling out the WH first.