The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Those punishments are the exact opposite of “dropping the hammer.”

I realize the Fed probably doesn’t have the authority to do what would actually deter this shit from happening, but those punishments are very close to “nothing.”


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


I’m of the opinion we’re writing off the base and going after moderates and swing voters and driving up our own turnout.

Though I guess it could drive up their own turnout which is a problem.

Exactly nobody is saying that.

Its not even the moderate versus progressive policy that pisses me off the most, its the croynism and corruption, specifically rewarding Clinton loyalists who shit on Bernie non-stop for petty personal reasons.


Turnout is great but Biden hasn’t even been sworn in. There is a little governing to do before next election. :grin:

I understand you have largely written off Biden, which is understandable, given eDem history but I still hold some hope he will do some good.

As for Mitch I think he plans to be a brick wall for everything, including nominations.

Fair enough. My apologies.

Yeah, this is sadly but predictably going as close to the nut low as possible. I don’t have any white hot hatred for the Clinton people, but to not use some of these appointments to reach out to different parts of the Democratic voting coalition is bad optics and bad politics. That said, motherfuckers give me Sally Yates for AG, or at least fight like hell for her and make Cocaine Mitch veto her.

Idk why guys are getting their knickers in a twist over the senator from fucking Delaware’s cabinet picks. He was DuPont’s man in congress for 30 years, of course he’s conservative, of course he’s going to fill the cabinet with like minded neolib, of course he’s gonna shit on the left. We all knew this when we voted for him.

We made a choice between a shit sandwich and a boot to the head, no sense being surprised our sandwich has shit in it.

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The federal government just changed its rules to allow executions by methods other than lethal injection, so instead of forcing Wells Fargo to get rid of some board members, guillotines are in play now.

There is something to be said for this.

I expect his choice to be either terrible (10%), meh (80%) and good (10%).

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Scott Brown is basically the case against her being in the cabinet.

She’s more qualified than Alexander Hamilton? Salmon Chase? Walter Gresham? How could you possibly know this?


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This is ridiculous. Everyone knows Biden’s first loyalty will always be to banks and credit card companies.

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Time to switch my party registration and vote for Republicans ready to lock up Edems.

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I’m not arguing that she should be appointed, just the claim that she would be unqualified if appointed.

The incoming Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, is an eDem lifer who went to Greenwich High School and William & Mary. Her dad is a real estate developer. She is married to a finance ghoul at the DCCC.


How much does this really matter? Press secretary has fuck all to do with policy.

Putting an uber progressive in there does nothing.

Really all I want is someone who is good at dunking FOX news types. I’m sure Pete wouldn’t take it, but someone like that would be great.

Honestly, I’d rather find agreement with you. That’s why I ask clarifying questions of you about the points we have disagreement on. But you keep on dubiously proclaiming things to be progressive. And when I ask for clarification regarding your reasons why, I remain unpersuaded by your epistemology.

For example, if I rolled up on a group of fellow progressive friends conversing about whether Neera Tanden should be handed power and said “IDK who Neera Tanden is, but I skimmed her wiki and she seems OK.” I would expect them to put me in check. Immediately. And when they did, I wouldn’t assume that they were simply saying that because they’re trying to pick a fight with me.

And if a self identified progressive(apologies if I’m mislabeling you) tells me that a Biden cabinet pick is “the progressive” pick, I’d expect them to easily be able to identify a progressive accomplishment that person has, rather then presenting as proof that the head of an NGO who’s hoping to influence said nominee says something to the effect of…She seems open minded to hearing from us, and we’ll just have to hope for the best.

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