The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I did cite a bunch of people in the very next post. No idea why you are picking a fight. Carry on.

Stood up against banks
Champions Low interest rates
Wants tougher financial regulation
Wants to invest in climate change
Pushed for diversity in staffing

It’s not all good. She has some fiscal hawk tendencies, criticized the green new deal, and certainly is not an MMT advocate.

At some point you posted a Google result where two links say she is probably the most qualified in history and you don’t even know if those both cite the same source.

I’m picking a fight because your BS proclamation (BS because we all know you are in no position to make that determination) calls for it.

Yeah one or two torpedo’d cabinet members probably plays well for Mitch, 10+ of them though will play badly for him. You don’t even need to put up progressives, just people who will do shit Mitch and company won’t like.

Do a lot of women who are slightly left of center, or latinos, or black people that are slightly left of center.

Yeah Mitch being able to shoot down a couple of very progressive people will play well to his base, but him shooting down a ton of minorities and women slightly left of center will play badly to independents and moderates.

And no one said she’s a reactionary caveperson. Some people here are trying to build up a progressive scorecard for these nominations. There’s an agenda here. Yellen is fine. Congrats Joe on not picking Larry Summers. But that’s about it.

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I’m curious why you think Mitch turning down every nominee does anything but help him with his nutso base?


I don’t know either of them. Why yikes? A look at Tanden’s Wikipedia page makes her sound ok.

No worries. If anyone who’s name also appears in a google search with the term progressive, tweets out a luke warm, or even a tepid cosign…these are the most progressive choices ever. Praise Biden! He’s already moving so far left, true progressives will actually have to start pulling him right.


Joined at the hip to Hillary Clinton, lifelong Center for American Progress neolib ghoul, no thanks.

The other person seems fine.

Jesus. Try not to be so completely disingenuous.

Ya no idea why Biden is still attaching himself to Clinton people for Christ’s sake. Being Clinton connected should be close to disqualifying without exceptional circumstances.

It amazing how embedded the Clintons still are after all these years and her epic failed run. You think they would have lost all their credibility.

Kind of makes sense that Biden needs to reach out more to Clinton people than Bernie people. Needs to bridge the chasm between Clinton and Obama.


That you dont know who Neera Tanden is, is whatever, big world, lots of people.

That your initial reaction to her wikipedia is that she seems OK, is a point against your ability to judge what is or isn’t progressive.

That you also seem dismayed as to why Biden is appointing Clintonites to key positions, well keep on acting like I’m being disingenuous, as you proclaim the rest of Biden’s picks to be “the progressive choices”.


Tanden’s wiki neatly sums up why the debate about Biden and ‘progressives’ can’t really go anywhere at the moment. Apparently she’s a strong progressive and a voice from the Democratic left. And she opposes single payer healthcare and has been a strident critic of Bernie, his policies and his allies for years.

Words have to mean roughly the same thing to the people involved, or else nothing really follows.


Ya reading more about her now she seems like a typical eDem. Not a great choice for sure.

Does seem like a bit of a fuck you to the left.

The really big test for me is Rahm Emanuel. If he gets any job fuck Biden so hard.

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You REALLY seem to want to fight. Sorry I have no intention of obliging.

There are probably many powerful, wealthy people in the party who feel that the party owes Hillary. Hillary can not get confirmed by any Republicans, so they probably won’t bring her out unless the Dems ever take the Senate, but expect a lot of people close to Hillary to be getting roles in the Biden admin.

Also, look for someone close to Bernie to get a role that has close to no power.

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I really don’t like the hyper-abrasive tone taken by the Victors of the world, but I do understand their frustration. The left is absolutely taken for granted by the Democratic Party, while also constantly being shit on, marginalized and treated with outright hostility at the slightest indication of disobedience. Assuming this administration goes how we all assume it will, it will be impossible for me to criticize anyone who doesn’t want to vote for them moving forward.


The best evidence for some people to be optimistic that she will be okay is the unprecedented level of punishment that the Federal Reserve doled out to Wells Fargo on her watch. That’s a meager example, but I at least think that she’s not a corporate hack.