The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I think the person asked how you felt about MMT was kind of on point. Yellen has been pretty tight with money in the face of a persistent lack of inflation. I’m hardly expert on this, but my impression is that in the face of explosive debt and persistently low inflation there should be vastly more QE. The pervasiveness of “there’s no problem with debt” almost seems like a propagandistic effort against QE as much as for in increase in government spending. (Also, and I could be wrong, but QE doesn’t have to be done as practiced in the 2008 recovery acts where money was pumped into banks as opposed to either paid to service/infrastructure providers or directly to citizens.)

Sometimes Trumpers are pretty funny


Comms Director for Sen Cornyn

I mean I knew Stacey was a centrist but Tanden is like the worst of the fucking worst. Just fucking epic ghoulary.

I’m not being glib, I don’t remember why Tanden is particularly reviled by some here?

She wanted Libya to pay us for our support in the war, same as Trump. This was leaked in her wikileaks emails. Like literally the same position as Trump. Wanted Libya to give us fucking oil money for our support.

I consider the epic ghoulary. She is super hawkish with foreign policy. Oh and she loves Modi.

She is absolutely everything wrong with the DemE.

And yes all her extreme hate for the left.


Fair enough, I don’t want to litigate it, not much love lost with me for Modi sympathizers anyway.

This should not be possible for any Dem, shitlib or not.

Did not know about the hawkish foreign policy. Here is the email.

Disgusting, warrants the “epic ghoul” label.

The Modi stuff I can’t find, though. I Googled “Neera Tanden” “Modi” and found only this tweet, which is basically nothing.

The particular annoyance of Tanden is that she wraps herself in the cloth of “progressivism” while simultaneously doing her level best to kill M4A, shut down anything other than slavish adherence to pro-Israel rhetoric, and rain shit down on Bernie and his supporters. At least someone like Hillary never really pretended to be anything other than a Third Way centrist and adversary to the left within the party. CAP under Tanden seeks to position itself as the left of the party and in so doing write off as illegitimate anyone to their left. She’s a breathtakingly cynical person who co-opts the language of the left. She was one of the loudest voices tut-tutting at Bernie for tweeting the Rogan endorsement, going on about transphobia and Islamophobia and whatever, meanwhile she herself has been a guest on Bill fucking Maher. If she appears further to the left than your average Democrat that’s because her entire job within the establishment elite is to sabotage the left, and you can’t put John Kerry or whatever in that role, you need someone who looks superficially plausible.

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I think the false equivalency between Rogan and Maher is unfair.

Nuance is the worst thing ever. I know.

Yeah sorry man… Rogan is basically just a more advanced version of Maher. Everything Maher does he does better. The guests on Rogan are good enough to occasionally get me to watch an episode, and he gets out of their way a lot more so I tend to actually watch the episode. Maher talks way too damn much for a guy who has access to really interesting people to put on his show for content.

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What false equivalency?

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Plus rogan just seems like a dope whereas maher seems calculated.

Maher has lots of issues and some really dumb ideas. I am simply saying he is not as bad as Rogan. Anyway, I have no interest in a long detail about Maher as I’m not even a fan of his. I haven’t watched in years.

I do.

Who’s worse, Rogan or Maher?

  • Rogan
  • Maher
  • They’re the same

0 voters

It’s because you have a worldview completely based on good and bad. You only see two classes of nearly everything.

Unless your position is Rogan and Maher are EXACTLY equivalent in every way then there is some nuance worth exploring.

My position is they both have really terrible ideas and both platform bad people. I just think they don’t don’t it to the EXACT same degree. Rogan platforms people like Alex Jones. Maher just makes dumb defences of his right to claim dead children were actors. Both really dumb. Just not the exact same level of dumb.

Frankly, I’m more likely to be convinced Maher is worse than Rogan than I am they are the same.

I don’t give a shit if Tanden gets confirmed or not, but a huge el oh el at Republicans not confirming someone because they got their feelings hurt.

It’s amazing how much projection there is. They’re such huge snowflakes it boggles the mind.

The congresswoman had been a team player, by all accounts, but now she was pivoting to run for a party leadership position in the House. She has since dropped that effort, but her name continues to be pushed by everyone from Republican colleagues to far-left activists for an even bigger role: a spot in Biden’s Cabinet to head up the agency that manages U.S. public lands, natural resources and Indian affairs.

While Natives tend to be drawn to the Democratic Party’s commitments to racial diversity and social justice (polls suggest that Native voters preferred Biden over Donald Trump by 25 points), the GOP’s libertarian streak can, at times, find common ground with a people for whom the government has been a colonizer.

Historically, Cabinet selections have had the effect of realigning the party preference of a racial group: Political scientists point to President Bill Clinton’s selection of Japanese American Norm Mineta for Transportation secretary as a turning point in that voting group’s behavior, shifting their lean from conservative to liberal.